In lieu of flowers, any memorial non-cash offerings should be sent to The Daily Caller, National Review, Fox “News” of course, or a wingnut site of your choosing (I wish Current would fix their videos so I can embed them without having to resize and remove the volume knob)…
…and speaking of humor, I only wishthis was a joke…
…and yeah, I’m sure that GOP “outreach” program to minorities will start paying dividends any day now, any day now (and some of the nonsense in Missouri is pretty damn hilarious too – an update is here)…
…and gee, I guess because the words “Muslim” or “Islam” aren’t in this story, then this knucklehead isn’t a terrorist – uh huh…
…and I wish “Governor Bully” the best with his weight loss surgery, but let’s not take our eye off the ball when it comes to the stuff about him that matters, OK…
…and I’m not real big on the whole “protecting the Second Amendment” thing because I don’t think there’s anything, or anyone, to protect it from, but the substantive point here is correct otherwise…
…and Chris Hayes tells us about New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman trying to hold Wells Fargo and “Skank” of America accountable for mortgage fraud – important stuff that tends to get lost amidst the other news stuff out there…
…and gee, I guess all it takes is a little “Jesus” and a whole heaping helping of “ELIZABETH COLBERT BUSCH IS A GOLDANGED LI-BU-RUUL” for a Repug to win in South Carolina, despite the evidence about “Appalachian Trail” Sanford presented here; the election certainly wasn’t decided on the merits, because if it had been, Sanford would have been too ashamed to poke his head out of his hidey hole to run in the first place.
So with that in mind, this goes out to everyone in the First South Carolina Congressional District who failed to support Elizabeth Colbert Busch; you deserve Mark Sanford, and if that isn’t an insult, I don’t know what is (and I know there's a tongue-in-cheek quality to this song, but I'm going with it anyway).
I realize that there are places in this country where you could prop up a mannequin and stick an “R” on its chest, nominate it for public office and people will vote for it because of blind party loyalty, and South Carolina is most definitely one of those places, but it takes a particular kind of STOO-PID to reward an utterly shameless fraud like Mark Sanford with a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives and use that as an excuse, and by this time tomorrow, that may very well have happened, but hopefully not (more here)…
…and speaking of the U.S. House (to say nothing of shameless frauds), I haven’t had much to say about our wet noodle PA-08 rep lately, so here’s a bit of a “golden oldie” from last year…
…and here's more comedy with a higher purpose from John Fugelsang…
…and happy birthday to Bob Seger – once put on a great show in these parts attended by yours truly (among many others I’m sure).
Robert Reich talks about income inequality (and here is more proof that austerity has failed, as if we need it)…
…and here’s a primer on the cretins trying to keep the “99 percent” under heel…
,,,and I would say that it’s time for some indignation, and Lee Camp provides it - NSFW…
…and I have to admit that I don’t think much of a lot of the music currently being released (Pickwick, Iron and Wine, Mumford and Sons), but I like this tune.