Saturday, December 08, 2012

More Saturday Stuff

This is the cartoon that has apparently generated a lot of umbrage from Fix Noise, probably because every damn word of it is true (here)…

…and this is for everyone observing the festival of lights…

…and here’s another seasonal number…

…and happy 65th birthday to Gregg Allman.

Saturday Stuff

And oh yes, Mikey the Beloved is on the list that you can view from here...

...and let’s have no illusions about why Jim DeMint is actually leaving the U.S. Senate, OK?...

...and I apologize for being a bit behind on my commemorations – I didn’t note the anniversary of JFK’s assassination a couple of weeks ago, and I didn’t say anything about the 71st anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack yesterday...

...and speaking of commemorations, I always put up this video on this day, so here it is again.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Friday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

And yes, this garbage in Michigan passed, as noted here (and Snyder is a cowardly, lying scumbag)…

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…turning to seasonal stuff, I now give you the funniest math professor of all time…

…and as Ray Davies once sang (and still does, I guess), “celluloid heroes never really die”...

…and what the heck – let’s try ending the week with a smile, OK?

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Thursday Stuff

Gosh, what a shame that Teahadist hero Jim DeMint is leaving public life (here), depriving us of moments like this, in which he ultimately disagrees with – himself?

…and yes, my fellow prisoners, Medicare is an earned entitlement, and that needs to be repeated over and over (and gee, I wonder what Mikey the Beloved and his pals will do with their time off while this country lurches towards the OMIGOD FISCAL CLIFF FISCAL CLIFF FISCAL CLIFF FISCAL CLIFF!!! – tongue-in-cheek here, I assure you)…

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…and boy, would I hate to pay this guy’s utility bill (here) – it gets pretty trippy after about 1:40…

…and here’s something a bit more traditional.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Wednesday Stuff

To me, this is the very definition of the word “fail” – Lawrence O’Donnell explains why (hard to find the words to truly communicate my disgust; the Teahadists must be so proud, including those supporting “No Corporate Tax” Pat Toomey who, quite unsurprisingly, was one of the infamous 38 O’Donnell discusses)…

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…and happy 80th birthday (80??!!) to Richard Penniman

…and RIP Dave Brubeck, a true legend of jazz who understood the sacrifices made by African Americans to help develop an original and uniquely American art form (including commentary by jazz critic and occasional wingnut Nat Hentoff)…

…and here is another seasonal number.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Tuesday Stuff

So instead of devoting their time and attention to an actual issue of actual consequence (such as what Rachel Maddow describes), what are the Repugs exercised about instead? This and this

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…and what’s another holiday season without da’ funk, huh?

Monday, December 03, 2012

Monday Stuff

Just a reminder that the whole “fiscal cliff” kabuki is nothing but a scheme to try and use the debt as an excuse to continue taking from those who can afford it the least, so that the “pay no price, bear no burden” crowd can continue to skate (and Erin Burnett is definitely a spokesperson on their behalf)…

…fortunately, Robert Reich provides the reality point of view here (God, I hope Obama and the Dems are actually listening to this)…

…and in a related story, former Reaganite Bruce Bartlett is my first new hero for this (and FDR’s great words ring truer now than ever…big surprise that Veronique de Rugy collects a paycheck from George Mason University, the same bunch of “gilbertarian” fools and frauds that brought us Tyler Cowen…just a mere dotted line to the tentacles of the Koch Brothers)…

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…and Bob Costas is my second new hero for this

…which brings to mind this tune for yours truly considering this in response (h/t Atrios) – I always fall back to this question; why the hell don’t we enact gun laws that make it less life-threatening for the cops?...

…and speaking of law enforcement, I give you this (trying to bring up the seasonal mood).