“Let’s see, ethics and journalistic integrity, ethics and
journalistic integrity…now where did I put that SPJ handbook again…”
And imagine the hue and cry if Rachel Maddow did the same
thing for the Dems (and no, assuming he was still working, Keith Olbermann
attending Netroots Nation – which he won’t this year due to a surgical
procedure – isn’t the same thing since the Dems don’t really pay attention to
N.N., not enough of them anyway – they’d be better off if they did).
As for Governor Bully running in 2016, I'd love to see that. All of this crap about how he's supposedly so overwhelmingly popular, a fabled Beltway media narrative, would be crushed once and for all (and by the way, kudos to Seder for being pissed off - more like this)...
As for Governor Bully running in 2016, I'd love to see that. All of this crap about how he's supposedly so overwhelmingly popular, a fabled Beltway media narrative, would be crushed once and for all (and by the way, kudos to Seder for being pissed off - more like this)...
…and as the immortal Mr. S. once said, “Happy Mother’s Day
to all you muthas out there.”