Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Stuff

So true - so true, the last one I mean in particular (NSFW)…

…and here’s another round of Jon Stewart too (wonder how many people remember that movie?)…

…and yes, the Repugs really are this nuts, then as now – and I know the Iraq documentary aired already tonight, but I’m sure video is out there somewhere (and here is another casualty to the crazy)…

…and maybe the title of this tune describes how Tom Petri felt – can’t blame him.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday Stuff

Congrats to Stephen Colbert (here) for this (and it looks like Flush Limbore had a meltdown over it – too funny)…

...and Jon Stewart continues to perform a public service by taking down Sean Inanity and the Foxies once again here (and this confirms what I suspected about Bob Beckel, by the way)...

...and here is another stellar moment from the Roger Ailes BS Factory...

…and to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, I give you this (I think Ed meant “neckties”)…

...and hey, the other side routinely mashes together words and clips quotes to try and make us look bad – how about a little payback on the issue that should dominate all others (here)...

…and even though he lives right around the corner from where the tribute took place, I still thought this was a classy story involving Billy Joel – here is a tune for the occasion (with Cyndi Lauper).

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Wednesday Stuff

Now THAT is what I'm talking about, people (kudos to John Aravosis, big time)...

...and given this recent idiocy with The Stupidest Life Form In The Entire Universe (and I'm certainly not talking about Eric Holder), I think it's time for a little "TMI" once more...

…and sticking with Rachel Maddow, why am I not surprised that Ron Johnson is involved in the sordid saga of Wisconsin Repug Bill Kramer (with Johnson being an old pro at helping to shield sexual predators, as noted here)…

…and I give you the latest in my never-ending quest to actually put up videos from this century.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Monday Stuff

Oh yes, that baaad Affordable Care Law is such a job-killer – uh huh (and why anybody STILL hasn’t figured out what Mr.-Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv is really up to my now…stick it to the poors and the “blahs” any way possible, among others of course…is something I cannot possibly imagine – and good point by Melissa Harris-Perry about public sector workers).

(By the way, I would ask that you take a look at about 10:20 or so when President Obama is giving his latest speech on the economy. Pay particular attention to the applauding and smiling faces of younger voters behind him, and then ask yourself if you think that they will EVER vote for a Republican after all of this...)

…and cleaning tile grout from your bathroom is probably more interesting than listening to Harry Reid I’ll admit, but the tone of his voice is a lot less important than his actual words here, which are commendable…

…and happy 75th birthday to Francis Ford Coppola – I know it would be easier to include a “Godfather” clip here, and richly deserved, but I always liked “Tucker: The Man And His Dream,” with a bravura turn by Jeff Bridges – here is the climactic courtroom scene in the movie where the SEC ends up putting him out of business…a shame he didn’t live to see this

…and what the hell – this all puts me in the mood to hear a tune about a car, so…