Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Stuff

Brittany Page, sitting in for David Pakman, tells us that Bronzer Beelzebub thinks he’d win California in an election if Jesus counted the votes, or something, in an interview with Dr. Phil that was so soft he should have brought a couple of pillows for the occasion (as Page says, even when Our Ochre Abomination is handed the talking points, he still fumbles them...and the CA stuff is yet another self-inflicted mess #45 will be able to just skate past with the help of our corporate media)...I’m not familiar with that quote from Anne Lamott, but it makes sense...

...and Thom Hartmann asks about the miraculously-healing wound in the right ear of the Gropenfuhrer from the Butler, PA shooting...interesting that we apparently haven’t seen any medical records related to the attack from the hospital where #45 was treated – I guess we’re supposed to take it on faith that it happened exactly the way Combover Caligula said it did...well, color me suspicious (and Thom alludes to the ongoing story of the incident at Arlington with Our Treasonous Orange Pustule and his minions...more on that is here...and I think Thom is referring to Evander Holyfield, not Mike Tyson)...

...and Miss Beau offers commentary on the Arlington mess...yep, there was a time when this garbage by itself would have been enough to sink a presidential campaign, but then again, how many damn times have we said that in the past about #45 and his myriad other f*ckups?...

...and OF COUURRRSE, we have this from the demented sociopath running for his old job...
...and Major General (Retired) Paul Eaton discusses the impact of Project 2025 on our military, as well as our country overall really – if you watch no other video in this post, please watch this one...

...and oh look...Cantaloupe Capone posted some particularly nutty memes on Truth Septic in response to Jack Smith refiling charges against him...and of course, what would a Trumpist rant be without at least one misspelling...double check Marc Elias, dude (NSFW/H)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about another recording that has just come out demonstrating that alleged couch-f*cker J.D. Vance is truly one of the most sanctimonious assh*les on the planet, uttering more garbage about being uncomfortable around adults who don’t have biological children...imagine the response if a Democrat actually spouted hateful crap like this...

...and today would have been the 80th birthday of The Eternal Molly Ivins; to say we could use her incisive wit and observations now is an enormous understatement (and I'm pretty sure they were discussing this)...

...and in accordance with my annual tradition heading into the Labor Day weekend, I give you a little “Friday with Frank”; I have a couple of more summer tunes to get to before the official end of the season.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Rachel Maddow brings us the story on how the “party of Lincoln” is turning into nothing but a Trumpist cult, turning her (and our) attention to the states...for example, in Michigan, someone in that state’s Repug party was escorted out of a state convention by police (and before anyone has a desire to feel sorry for Pete Hoekstra, allow me to point out his incredibly racist campaign ad some years ago)...and it looks like Flori-DUUH! went through something like that also with Christian Ziegler...and you KNEW Kari Lake in Arizona would show up in this mess somewhere too...and of course Ronna Romney McDaniel was forced out by Mary Trump...and oh yeah, let’s not forget Colorado also (chaos is indeed their brand, people)...

...and Robert Reich reminds us that it’s all about the stinking tax cuts for those “one percent” bastards out there who are willing to help crater our democracy to protect their privilege (and that sure as hell means supporting Combover Caligula)...

...additionally, Lawrence O’Donnell tells us that the DJIA and NASDAQ are apparently reacting favorably to the ascent of Kamala Harris in the polls, and the descent of the Gropenfuhrer (and Jack Smith refiled charges against Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence)...also, O’Donnell brings us Harris’s ad to encourage home ownership, which hits yet another important issue (and draws a contrast with Cantaloupe Capone and his predatory real estate practices)...and boy, is O’Donnell right about the electoral college (slightly NSFW/H at the very end)...

...and Ben Gleib tries to find some semblance of sanity from the leader of “Cult 45”...yeeaahh, it’s not going to happen...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union brings us the awful story of Antonio Gaston, a Stellantis assembly line worker who died on the job; you could make the case that he never should have had to relocate to the plant where he lost his life, but he was forced to go there after a plant closure in Belvidere, Illinois, which Biden, Shawn Fain, and the rest of the UAW are (commendably) fighting...

...and I thought this was a bit of a life-affirming newer tune...advice for us all.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Chris Hayes makes the case that the Dems need to win convincingly this fall, mainly because of that relic called the electoral college that gives an advantage to the south and Midwest in this country that works in favor of Repugs, as well as the garbage taking place on election boards across this nation in which they’re preparing not to certify a (hopefully) Harris-Walz win...I would say that the “compare and contrast” clips between Kamala Harris and Cantaloupe Capone speak volumes...

...and Miss Beau gets a bit POed (commendably) about Our Ochre Abomination’s claim about what was left behind from our Afghanistan withdrawal, as well as #45’s nonsense about no troops being shot at in 18 months, or some such idiocy – once more, I give you this in response...

...and concerning the VP nominee on the Repug ticket, I just want to revisit the DNC briefly to focus on the speech from John Russell of More Perfect Union (an MPU clip follows later), with Russell being an actual Appalachian, as opposed to the alleged couch f*cker (with Jordan Uhl, Sharon Reed and Yasmin Khan), I’m sure Sharon Reed wasn’t trying to be complimentary by calling Vance the “master of the pivot”; Vance isn’t a “master” of anything...and boy, that was some long-winded instruction from the “old gray lady” on how to cover Vance; wonder if they’d consider issuing instructions like that for a Dem? You know, like “when pronouncing the Dem presidential nominee’s first name, emphasize the first syllable,” and, “She didn’t actually allow MS-13 gang members into the country, despite Trump’s ads to the contrary”...somehow I think I already know the answer to that one...

...and despite what David Pakman is inferring here, I honestly don’t think that Vance will get dumped for RFK Jr (the latter just suspended his campaign)....good job by Pakman to lead in with the snarky stuff against the “brain worm” guy...I know I shouldn’t feel a shred of pity for Jr., but the stuff he’s talking about is so bonkers and not connected to anything remotely resembling politics in this country that I can’t help but feel a bit of sorrow, mainly for the fact that Jr. has so effectively driven a wedge into his storied another context, his discussion about puberty rates could be useful, but not in any way when it comes to running for the White House (I’ve read that there are chemicals in our water that are a factor on that, but again, not useful stuff when running for the most important job in the country, if not the world)...

...and John Russell is back with this More Perfect Union clip on Elliott County, Kentucky – I mean no disrespect to the man who says quite rightly that Andy Beshear earned his vote, but quite wrongly adds that Joe Biden didn’t (another Dem screwup on messaging IMO), but those two opinions don’t make logical sense to me, especially considering this (Elliott County is on that list)...and I give Beshear credit for going back to the “FDR playbook,” which is what Dems should be doing EVERYWHERE as far as I’m concerned...

...and I now give you today's regional weather forecast.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

David Shuster brings us the sorry tale of the Gropenfuhrer’s latest mess, this time at Arlington National Cemetery, posing for a photo-op in the company of our honored dead, which is pretty despicable and violates guidelines for visitors (here)...I would argue that he wouldn’t give a damn about the wreath-laying ceremony unless he could find a way to try and blame Biden/Harris for our withdrawal from Afghanistan (one response is here)...and Trump is such a military genius (snark) that he freed 5,000 of the Taliban as noted here...and concerning our service people, I’m still waiting for #45 to get the treatment he deserves for this...

Update: And why am I not surprised by this?

Update 8/29/24: So now it appears that "MAGA Mike" Johnson ran interference to get you-know-who into Arlington (here)? I hesitate to say that this is "weird"...but it kind of is.

...and Jesse Dollemore (who actually DID serve) tells us that it sounds like the leader of “Cult 45” is getting ready to bail on the ABC debate with Kamala Harris...and of course there are a whole bunch of misspellings in that ridiculous tweet, including Donna Brazile...and that was a really cool video in support of Harris at the DNC IMO, including questioning “I Like Beer” Brett K. (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and David Doel brings us the results of a recent CNN panel of undecided voters, with two-thirds of those polled saying they would vote for VP Harris...and indeed, getting people off the couch to vote, as Doel puts it, is ALWAYS an issue...and yeah, I think the real estate guy only cares about his wallet and that’s about it (Project 2025 not so much)...mildly NSFW/H also...

Update 8/28/24: Apparently the real estate guy was a Trump plant...figures (here).

Update 8/30/24: God almighty, not again! (here).

...and I know I alluded a bit to J.D. Vance (speaking of "getting off the couch" - heh) and the doughnut shop nonsense yesterday, but Sam, Emma and the crew from The Majority Report have more to say on that here...let’s see, Vance could have asked “Do you work other jobs besides this one?,” “Are any of you in high school or college?,” “Do you support family members?”...yeah, this is about what you would expect from someone trying to maintain a semblance of humanity amidst all of his obvious fakery...simple human decency is obviously a bridge too far for Senator “Hillbilly Elegy”...

...and this “TYT Investigates” clip lets us know about the efforts of Tim Walz to pass the STOCK Act, which is a ban on insider trading, signed into law by former President Obama here; Walz commendably moved this forward with the help of late U.S. House Reps Louise Slaughter (Dem) and Walter Jones (Repug)...I think there should also be a ban on stock trading, period, for federal government officials, but I’m not hopeful about that to be honest...

...and it’s hard for me to believe that it’s been 34 years today since we lost SRV – I think the occasion calls for this tune among his truly memorable body of work.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report informs us that even some conservatives were grossed out by the attacks on Tim Walz’s son Gus at the Democratic National Convention (I thought kids were supposed to be “off limits,” which is why I’ve never said anything about Barron Trump, for example)...and as we see, Coulter and her lizard-brained, simpatico online nut cases said stuff typically cruel and stoo-pid...and by the way, I give Matt Walsh ZERO points here because his biggest problem with the attacks on Gus Walz is that they reflect an inability to “think strategically”...that’s about what you’d expect from a guttural lowlife like Walsh whose hateful vitriol ends up encouraging bomb threats against a children’s hospital...and I reluctantly have to go along with Figueredo here on the response to the Palestinian protests near the end; yeah, I get it that the Dems need AIPAC, but that doesn’t mean that they can pretend Palestinians don’t exist either...and kudos to former First Lady Michelle Obama for this (NSFW/H)...

...and David Shuster informs us that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg gave it back recently to somebody named Lawrence Jones of Fix Noise over a smorgasbord of wingnut BS (Biden’s too old and incompetent, inflation, gun crime, the border, blah blah...and speaking of The Roger Ailes BS Factory and the Dem convention, I give you this...and in a related item, I give you this)...

...and Emma of The Majority Report presents a brief clip of Bernie Sanders’s speech attacking big $$ in politics (a bit of a veiled reference to AIPAC IMO for dark money spent to unseat Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman in their primaries, though I also think those two had other issues besides the Israel lobby)...

...and sticking with the Dem convention somewhat (that’s where John and Brett Erlich were in this clip), we learn about an ad from Mango Mussolini attacking Harris on the border (God, this is boring!)...using images from Trump’s ruinous term and one from Morocco...womp womp! (this is a bit of a follow-up to the Tennessee Brando clip on Friday)...

...and Kyle Kulinski lets us know about J.D. Vance dodging the question about raising the minimum wage...good point by Kyle about mentioning the PRO Act and the fact that the couch f*cker (allegedly!) didn’t show up for the Senate vote on expanding the child tax credit...oh, and there’s this too (NSFW/H also)....

...and happy belated 70th birthday to Elvis Costello; once read this pretty cool memoir years ago, for what it's worth.