Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday Stuff

I think that the red-shirted idiot in the following video should be tested to see if he can dent the IQ meter...

…and once more, we support our brave Brit friends during a time of crisis (and the utterly non-surprising response from our Tiny-Handed Impulse-Control-Issue-Child-In-Chief is here…more here and here)…

…and K.O. holds the “news” organizations with initials for names to account for all of their mindless garbage about the Gropenfuhrer (as well as the "fourth estate")…

…and I heer that the presidunt haz a probluum wit typos on hees oofishul communicashuns – yeah, goes to the whole “woefully unprepared to do the job” thing as far as I’m concerned…

…and potty mouth Kyle K. tells us that the DOL under Fergus Laing intends to honor The Sainted Ronnie R; hard to think of a worse selection as far as I’m concerned (“you’re just sleazy liars, and that’s clear”…NSFW)...

…and speaking of sleazy liars, here is my question: what will it take for longtime Repug scumbag Roger Stone to be arrested and imprisoned at long last?...

…and with the Jemele Hill story in mind as well as this one, I think that makes the following segment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 9/15/14 more timely than ever…

…and it’s Friday night (and a payday also – woo hoo!) – anybody in the mood for a swim?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday Stuff

As far as I’m concerned, ESPN’s Jemele Hill should get a raise, though I know that won't happen of course; here’s how I look at it – if local sports radio idiot Al Morganti can make snotty remarks about Democrats and liberals and not face any reprisal whatsoever, then Hill can should be able to speak her mind with impunity also…

…and of course, when all else fails, the Repugs can just kick those lazy “poors” again, as Farron Cousins notes…

…and while we’re on the subject of corporations getting off scott free, I think that’s a logical transition to this clip of “No Corporate Tax” Pat Toomey protesting a questioner at a town hall event recently; I don’t think Radecki asked his question the right way (should have started by stating that it was hypothetical instead of sounding like a threat), but I don’t think that justifies the ridiculous over-response either (NSFW)…

…and I think this is the most accurate summation of the web of deceit created by this nightmare of a presidency on Russia, as K.O. spells out…

…and it looks like “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli is heading to prison a little early for a threat against Hillary Clinton; couldn’t happen to a more deserving scumbag (here)…

…and I know summer is over (I don’t know about officially or not), but it’s partly sunny and about 80 degrees in these parts, so I’m going to sneak in one more seasonal tune (James gets a little rude here and sneaks in an “F” blast, but it still rocks).

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that Trump EPA head Scott Pruitt thinks it’s insensitive, or something, to talk about climate change with all of the disaster relief efforts going on – yeah, typical given this

…and Rachel Maddow tells us about the Russians using Facebook (and of course Breitbart) to spread anti-immigrant propaganda (nice)…

…and K.O. tells us that he thinks the end of the Gropenfuhrer’s utterly failed reign is in sight – how long it will take to get there is anybody’s guess, though…

…and I think this tells you what a foul, putrid, wretched life form Ed Secretary Betsy DeVos truly is (made me recall this also)…

…and I thought this was a nice clip on how pop singer Olivia Newton-John is focusing on weed in a positive way for others in the midst of her own cancer battle – all the best…

…and if this isn’t an excuse to put up one of her songs, I don’t know what is – from a “guilty pleasure” of an ‘80s movie that was pretty much brainless fluff, but entertaining (I thought) anyway (with great music from her and ELO, including this tune).

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday Stuff

As far as I’m concerned, Pope Francis definitely gets it on climate change and DACA; to assist Irma’s victims, please click here – and that quote from Generalissimo Trump about a religious leader supposedly not being able to question someone’s faith is about what you should expect from a delusional psychotic)…

…and Rachel Maddow tells us about Russia’s claim that our intelligence “slept” during the ’16 elections (probably right, unfortunately)…

…and I thought these were some timely words from K.O. about the recent anniversary and our tiny-handed, impulse-control-issue chief executive (and for local folk, I offer this)…

…and Seth Meyers gives us a roundup of sorts also on Irma and cable news coverage, as well as that white nationalist POS who was interviewed by Charlie Rose for reasons that truly escape me (yeah I know – ratings…way to give this bottom-feeder a free channel to spout his disgusting garbage…I have a feeling Ed Murrow, Bill Paley, Cronkite, etc. are doing somersaults in their graves)…

...and the little girl in this video is my new hero (heroine?) for the month for flipping off that Infowars clown "reporter" (and Alex Jones is a ridiculous cartoon of a life form, but we knew that, didn’t we?)...

…and I know I’m way overdue for some great new music, so here it comes (and I don’t think he sounds like The Black Keys, but I’d be OK even if he did).

Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

It looks like Charlie Dent, the apparently exiting U.S. House Repug rep from PA-15, won’t be missed by these brave men and women in uniform (more here)…

…and I think this video highlights another type of bravery to be commemorated for this day in particular…

…also commemorated by these videos.