“Pardon” me if I point out, as K.O. notes, that Generalissimo Trump may exceed his presidential authority at long last if he tries to do his inner circle, as well as himself of course, too many favors - yeah, any “Trumpster” who gets a pardon would surely be unable to take the fifth, as it were, when giving legal testimony…
…and I thought Bill Maher made a great point about getting it in writing, as it were, when it comes to the Gropenfuhrer (NSFW)…
…and yesterday I noted the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana; I think this video gives us some important history on her impact, which (again, as noted yesterday) will be ongoing well into the future…
How Princess Diana's legacy lives on pic.twitter.com/VR2EscQNqS
— Mashable (@mashable) August 31, 2017
…and, as he is on all things, in this case on Harvey, our Tiny-Handed Problem Child of a preznit is a thoroughly unrepentant liar (more here, here and here)...
The man who commanded the military response to Katrina says Trump was grossly unprepared for Harvey pic.twitter.com/rG6lqhsrn1
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) August 31, 2017
…and Joy Reid talks with Jose Antonio Vargas about what Number 45 may do or not do regarding DACA (more here and here)…
…and like most of this country, apparently, I’m pretty damn angry about this story about the Utah “detective” Jeff Payne who decided that he had the right to manhandle a nurse (Alex Wubbels) who, in the process of doing her duty in commendable fashion, refused to provide a blood sample because the patient she was treating wasn’t charged in a crime; I don’t know about Utah, but assault of a nurse is a felony in PA – should be that way nation-wide.
And maybe I’m reaching a bit here, but I’m going to say this – I’m fed up with having to include as a prefix to comments like this that “Of course, we should do all we can to support law enforcement.” As far as I’m concerned, that goes without saying.
The problem (as is usually the case with these stories of cops behaving badly) is that, though the vast, overwhelming majority of the men and women of law enforcement are great and courageous and DO INDEED deserve our support, there are a few of the proverbial bad apples giving them a bad name with stuff like this. And apparently, they don’t (hope you’ll excuse the expression) “police” themselves nearly as much as they should.
If Payne is charged (and why the hell wouldn’t he be?), tried, and convicted, he should be sentenced to 10 years at a minimum, hard time. A message should have gone out like that long before now when it comes to excesses by the cops, to say nothing of police shootings we know about (and I don’t think it’s wrong to conflate stories like this with Philando Castille, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, etc. – it’s all about bad cop behavior regardless of skin color…more here and here)…
Footage shows this nurse being forcefully arrested for following her hospital's rules pic.twitter.com/3oFu3l0tds
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) September 1, 2017
(By the way, subsequent to this, I ended up watching the entire unedited exchange – Payne was looking for trouble from the get-go, and his fellow officers really didn’t do a hell of a lot to rein him in as far as I could tell.)
Update 9/2/17: And as far as I'm concerned, this only strengthens my argument (more here).
Update 9/3/17: Oh, and now the Cleveland police want to be idiots too, apparently (here).
Update 9/4/17: Progress, I guess (here)...
…and Wednesday marked what would have been the 73rd birthday of The Eternal Molly Ivins - I’m not 100 percent sure of what judicial hearings they’re referring to, but Clarence Thomas was ’91 and her book mentioned…which was great, by the way…appears on Amazon as having been published in ’92…sorry, but I’ll try to dust off my memory banks again on that one; love the stuff on Dan Quayle, who, next to Trump, looks like an intellectual giant (also love the way she gets in her remarks and then smiles knowingly to the audience)…
…and it occurred to me recently that, for all the times I’ve been including summer songs at this site, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything by The Beach Boys – not sure why not, but I’d like to take care of that now.