Saturday, September 07, 2024

Saturday Stuff

We continue to deal with the effects of yet another instance of mass gun violence in this nation, this time in Georgia (and I know I alluded to this already), but it’s relevant again now because the (alleged) couch-f*cker J.D. Vance has referred to another mass shooting as a “fact of life,” and showing not the slightest inclination to do anything about it, which is yet another example of the “party of Lincoln” washing their hands of their responsibility to help keep us safe...Vance basically says, “well, mass shootings happen in states with strict gun laws and in state without strict gun laws,” purposefully ignoring ANY approach to try and solved this problem; wingnuts ABSOLUTELY LOVE to bash the city of Chicago, for example, because they say that that’s an example of strict gun control not working, when in fact, guns used in crime in Illinois are also purchased in Indiana, Wisconsin, and other states that have less strict gun laws (here...more here)...I was glad to hear Eugene Robinson in this clip because he’s one of the few people in corporate media I trust, and I thought Charlie Sykes made sense (I know he’s a recent convert to our side, but I can definitely see him going back to the “R” team later at some point), but Willie Geist was a little too quick to jump in and say, “Well, Vance really meant this” (which is typical for that program, one of the reasons why I usually don’t pay much attention to it to be honest), and it took Mrs. Scar to commendably introduce the Vance stuff...and Scar himself, while he's correct about making safe storage and red flag laws mandatory (and I would add mandatory background checks for ALL purchases and reduced magazine sizes), is a VERY imperfect messenger on this issue; he had a chance to do something about this when he represented Flori-DUUUH! in the U.S. House, and this is what happened instead...

Update: It looks like it's still not time to "politicize gun violence" (here).

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 9/9/14, in which the group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense (now Everytown for Gun Safety) launched an ad campaign against Kroger’s supermarket and their laissez faire policy, you might say, when it comes to customers brandishing firearms; exactly the type of civic action (I guess you could call it that) that we need on a continual basis on a few issues IMO, including this one...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report brought us this clip that’s roughly a year old, probably older, of RoJo The Clown in Wisconsin buying into a right-wing hoax about litter boxes and kids allegedly identifying as cats...Figueredo takes this in the direction of kids dealing with gender dysphoria, which is topical also I realize, but I’m including this video here with gun-related stuff to highlight this more than anything else (and this sadly fits also)...and I suppose his take on circumcision is apropos since that’s in the same “ballpark,” if you will, as gender-affirming surgery (which, again, doesn’t happen unless you’re 18 and you’ve gotten a hell of a lot of counseling first)...

...and at a certain point, I don’t know what else there is to do but just kick it...kind of in the mood to hear this tune, which has a hell of a bass line, among other good points.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Friday Stuff

Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats brings us more evidence that Repug rank-and-file voters are getting fed up with Combover Caligula (with evidence presented by some unnamed expert I suppose on MSNBC); you can nit pick about people thinking that politics is a TV show (which it definitely isn’t completely IMO), but the headline I suppose is that those individuals are starting to see reality...well, some of them...I would argue that you can’t really draw a parallel between Our Ochre Abomination and President Carter; yes, #39 was a bit naïve I’ll admit in his governance even though I admired him, but the former Georgia peanut farmer was buffeted by one disaster after another, up to and including the Iran hostage crisis...the problems with the leader of Cult 45 are all self-inflicted...

...and as if to add to the Occupy Democrats clip, Chris Hayes brings us two former Trump supporters who reveal why they’ve dumped Cantaloupe Capone at long freaking last...I’m glad these two have seen the light, but I have to admit that I’m getting tired of hearing anybody complaining about inflation; we really don’t have it so bad versus the rest of the world on that score (and “A mattress with bed bugs,” huh? Yeah, that fits)...

...and Jesse Dollemore lets us know that Joe Scar apparently called out his fellow fourth-estate brethren on normalizing the Gropenfuhrer, albeit with kid gloves (not surprised to hear Scar mention Clinton v. Dole in ’96 since Scar was one of the most rabid Clinton haters of all time in his day – Jesse is spot-on with his outrage also IMO; even when Scar and Jeffrey Goldberg criticize Bronzer Beelzebub, they do it oh-so-politely since they’re all part of the Beltway media/political/industrial complex...please pass the sweet and sour shrimp...more here and here)...

...and under the heading of normalizing insanity from Mango Mussolini, I give you the following from "the old gray lady" earlier this week (more here)...
Gee, it never occured to me that "deportations" counted as actual housing policy...example number 6287 of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence propped up by our corporate media (h/t Atrios at Eschaton).

...and David Pakman informs us of the alleged “scandal” with Tim Walz and a dog that wasn’t his...umm, do the assclowns spreading this nonsense realize that you can pet a dog THAT ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS??!! And I’m quite sure Pakman meant to say, “Trump and Vance,” but it came out wrong...

...and this story sure has blown up all over the place; David Doel informs us that Dave Rubin, Tim Pool and Benny Johnson, among other online nutters it seems, have been caught taking big dough from Vlad The Butcher to push pro-Russia talking points...and Israel has been doing something similar, or so it seems, though that is generating a lesser amount of funny as it would be if these three knuckleheads had actually broken any laws, I should note that it appears that they didn’t, though it does look like they got utterly played...”when you’re chasing money, you don’t care” indeed...and yeah, never a problem with funding if you’re promoting wingnut talking points, but it’s a whole other matter on the other side (more here...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Sam of The Majority Report takes a call from a lady in these parts who brings us the news of a City Hall protest tomorrow against a proposal by the Sixers to build an arena in Chinatown, with the hashtag of #NoStadiumInChinatown...I saw a report online that the basketball team is currently entertaining an offer from New Jersey to move; I have a two-word answer – buh-bye...completely fed up with extortion from sports team billionaires, especially given that they’ve delivered exactly ONE championship in about the last 60 years thanks mainly to Moses Malone, God rest him...

...and I thought this was freakin' hilarious - no words...

...and yesterday marked the 60th anniversary of the beginning of a three-week run of this song at #1 on the pop charts...Eric Burdon, to me, has always been this enigmatic guy who probably could have made a bigger name for himself if it weren’t for his talent for self-destruction...he’s managed to make it to 83, though, so he’s obviously doing something right.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us of the Gropenfuhrer losing what’s left of his mind with ever-greater frequency on Truth Septic...”a monkey clashing the cymbals” – good one (and as noted here, the online platform for #45 is just another in his unending scams, which may end up going belly up before Cantaloupe Capone manages to extract what little he can from it)...

...and Tennessee Brando reminds us about Combover Caligula spilling the beans on his love of dictators, along with this madness of supposedly knowing all he needs to know on a given topic after only a five-minute discussion, and our bought-and-paid-for Beltway courtier media stays would be nice if “Maggot” Haberman and that crowd would actually PAY FREAKING ATTENTION to what #45 says when he’s “letting his hair down” like this, which they apparently don’t at the moment (I have to brush up on my “Matlock” episodes, to be honest)...

...and Robert Reich gives us another thoughtful commentary IMO on what we can do to mobilize and get out the vote for Harris/Walz and against Trump and the “Hillbilly Elegy” guy...patience and tolerance will get us further than snark and name-calling, and yes, I know I need to relearn that at times here...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report brings us this item about Cornel West peddling anti-vax BS, so of course that means that he and RFK Jr. are now buds; I’ve respected West for a little while, but I always felt deep down that he was basically a huckster more than anything else, and it gives me no pleasure to see that belief confirmed...didn’t know West took $$ from Harlan Crow, which is pretty much “game, set, match” as far as yours truly is concerned...and I think West is blowing smoke on this alleged position in the (hopefully) Harris administration, and Jill Stein is the biggest non-Trump/Vance joke of them all (NSFW/H)...

...and Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats tells us about a recording blowing up on Repug U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy of Montana, running against incumbent Dem Jon Tester – just a tad racist towards native Americans and playing to a stereotype that could be applied more precisely to good ol’ boys like Sheehy (or at least like Sheehy pretends to be)...

...and what would Life In These United States be without still another pointless and utterly cruel mass shooting, and in a school of course (here)...sure would be nice if everybody screeching about trannies in the bathrooms and books offending people’s delicate sensibilities would give a damn about the fact that PEOPLE ARE STILL GETTING SLAUGHTERED FROM THESE WEAPONS OF DEATH, INCLUDING KIDS! – here’s another damn anti-gun song because I don’t know how to persuade the troglodytes who need to be dragged screaming into the cold light of day on this issue (and yeah, this too).

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

David Doel tells us all about those grandparents supposedly posing such a mortal threat as they protested in front of Sh*tty Bank HQ in NYC, given that that organization has so effectively bankrolled dirty energy companies contributing to the climate crisis...yes, I know the cops had to arrest the 29 demonstrators, but it’s still an utterly pathetic gesture (on the part of the cops, I mean)...

...and VoteVets have been hitting it out of the park, you might say, in their ads recently against Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, and they really blasted #45 once again to their credit over the disgusting mess at Arlington, as David Shuster tells us (and I think the ads from The Lincoln Project are well done, but sometimes too cute for their own good...just sayin’)...

...and I thought this was a good clip from Bernie Sanders, targeted primarily for the up-and-coming (and actually, already here) next generation of voters; would that more folks affiliated with team “D” would follow suit (expanding Medicare and Social Security, allowing Medicare to cover dental and vision, raising taxes on corporations, and getting damn dirty money out of politics by passing a law overturning Citizens United once and for all)...

....and Yasmin Khan brings us a bit of a cheeky campaign ad from Trisha Calvarese, running against Bo-Bo Boebert in CO-04 (or was it 03? Oh,’s 04); I don’t know what’s going on in that race, but Calvarese is going to have to find some way to reach the “fundie” nut jobs who are conditioned to pull the “R” lever in the voting booth, even if it’s for the vaping Beetlejuice “queen”...and I don’t understand why Khan mentioned Reese Witherspoon, but I’ll admit that I could be missing something there...

...and every time I think the “land of the yellow rose” can’t get MORE despicable, they manage to prove me wrong; looks like DA Ken Paxton carried out a raid against individuals trying to register people to vote, mainly Latino (I don’t care if Paxton was found not to be liable by that kangaroo court...he’s as worthless a POS as Abbott and Cruz, maybe more so) as Marc Elias (with Brian Tyler Cohen) says...and yeah, this has a parallel to what happened under #DeathSantis in Flori-DUUUH! with entrapping voters...and I completely believe that Paxton, Abbott and the rest of that wretched “R” team in that state were envious of voter purging efforts elsewhere as Elias says, and they wanted to get in on the “fun”...

...and RIP country music session guitarist Pete Wade, who sometimes crossed over to other genres, as he did many years ago on this tune from Joan Baez’s folk record “One Day At A Time” (I personally liked this version of the song from Woodstock better; the studio version was recorded later).

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

My 2024 U.S. Senate Voting Guide

This is probably as good a time as any to roll out my 2024 U.S. Senate voting guide, which (I’ll admit) is definitely slanted towards team “D,” which I’ve done in the past (for those keeping score at home 😊). There are still some contests outstanding, and I’ll update this list as warranted by events in the respective campaigns noted below.

Also, as long as I’m trying to link Republicans to issues of import affecting the majority of people in this country, I should include this from Robert Reich, who reminds us that all 9 incumbent Republican U.S. senators seeking re-election voted against the Right to In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Act...definitely something to take into account I believe (more here).

Here is the guide:

State Incumbent Challenger
Arizona (1)  Ruben Gallego (D) vs. Kari Lake (R) - no incumbent
California (2)  Adam Schiff (D) vs. Steve Garvey (R) - no incumbent
Connecticut (3) Chris Murphy (D) Matthew Corey (R)
Delaware (4) Lisa Blunt Rochester (D) vs. Eric Hansen (R - 4a) - no incumbent
Florida Rick Scott (R) Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D)
Hawaii Mazie Hirono (D) Bob McDermott (R)
Indiana (5) Valerie McCray (D) vs. Jim Banks (R) - no incumbent
Maine (6) Angus King (I) Demi Kouzounas (R)
Maryland (7) Angela Alsobrooks (D) vs. Larry Hogan (R) - no incumbent
Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren (D) John Deaton (R)
Michigan (8) Elissa Slotkin (D) vs. Mike Rogers (R) - no incumbent
Minnesota Amy Klobuchar (D) Royce White (R)
Mississippi Roger Wicker (R) Ty Pinkins (D)
Missouri Josh Hawley (R) Lucas Kunce (D)
Montana Jon Tester (D) Tim Sheehy (R)
Nebraska (regular) Deb Fischer (R) Dan Osborn (I)
Nebraska (special) (9) Pete Ricketts (R) Preston Love, Jr. (D)
Nevada Jacky Rosen (D) Sam Brown (R)
New Jersey Andrew Kim (D) vs. Curtis Bashaw (R)
New Mexico Martin Heinrich (D) Nella Domenici (R)
New York Kirsten Gillibrand (D) Mike Sapraicone (R)
North Dakota Kevin Cramer (R) Katrina Christiansen (D)
Ohio Sherrod Brown (D) Bernie Moreno (R)
Pennsylvania Bob Casey Jr. (D) Dave McCormick (R)
Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse (D) Patricia Morgan (R)
Tennessee Marsha Blackburn (R) Gloria Johnson (D)
Texas Ted Cruz (R) Colin Allred (D)
Utah (10) Caroline Gleich (D) vs. John Curtis (R) - no incumbent
Vermont Bernie Sanders (I) Gerald Malloy (R)
Virginia Tim Kaine (D) Hung Cao (R)
Washington Maria Cantwell (D) Raul Garcia (R)
West Virginia (11) Glenn Elliott (D) vs. Jim Justice (R) - no incumbent
Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin (D) Eric Hovde (R)
Wyoming John Barrasso (R) Scott Morrow (D)

(1) - Incumbent Kyrsten Sinema (I) retiring
(2) - Appointed Laphonza Butler (D) retiring
(3) - Robert Hyde (I) also running
(4) - Incumbent Tom Carper (D) retiring
    (4a) - As noted here, the inflation rate as of 9/11/24 was 2.5 percent, so Hansen should STFU.
(5) - Incumbent Mike Braun (R) retiring
(6) - Democrat David Costello is also running
(7) - Incumbent Ben Cardin (D) retiring
(8) - Incumbent Debbie Stabenow (D) retiring
(9) - Election is for last 2 years of term of Ben Sasse (R)
(10) - Mitt Romney (R) retiring
(11) - Joe Manchin (D) retiring

Monday, September 02, 2024

Monday Stuff

Here is a clip reminding us of the importance of today's holiday, as well as the labor movement overall (more here , here, here, here, and a true relic is here...and as noted here, the beat goes on, you might say)…

...and this local news report from Portland tells us about workers going on strike against the Fred Meyer food stores, owned by Kroger (and you can put me down as a “No” on the Kroger/Albertson’s merger, partly for the reasons noted here...more here and here)...

...and this video last year from Ana Kasparian of TYT tells us that a Kroger employee in Tennessee died from extreme heat while working in the salvage department of the grocery store, leading into more information on workers dying or getting sick form the heat across the country, particularly in Texas (big surprise, I know...I haven't been able to track down an update to anything posted here, but if I come across something, I'll update this post)...

...and speaking of unsafe working conditions, I think we should be mindful of this story of a Boar's Head plant in Virginia, particularly the following (which led to a listeria outbreak that has thus far killed 9 people and sickened 57 across 18 states)...
Insects and mold were identified at the Virginia Boar’s Head plant linked to the recall, according to USDA documents.

Reports from the USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service show 84 “noncompliances” from January 2022 to August 2024, 69 of them since August 2023. They describe insects, alive and dead, in several areas of the Jarratt, Virginia, plant, at various times and mold seen on doors, near a hand-washing sink and on a ceiling at different points. One report from February 2024 described “blood in puddles on the floor” and a “rancid smell in the cooler.”
(And by the way, as you read the CNN story, please keep in mind that our Philistines in robes on the High Court of Hangin' Judge JR just issued this ruling making it harder for government regulatory agencies to do their jobs, including the USDA – decision was handed down from 6 wingnut justices confirmed under Republican presidents and Senates - more here).

...and speaking of heat, this tells us about road workers dealing excessive temperatures (not just from the weather, but steaming asphalt also) in Kent County, Michigan...

...and o-ho the Wells Fargo Wagon is a-comin’ down the street...but first it looks like they’ll have to retrieve an employee in Tempe, AZ who died on the job and wasn’t noticed for four days, as this news story tells us (and no, I’m not making light of this tragedy)...

...and this story tells us about 4500 hotel workers in the Boston area preparing to strike; I would say that doing this on Labor Day weekend is a particularly gutsy call, not just because of the holiday but also given that college students are coming to town for the fall semester (a related item is here)...

...and Robert Reich tells us about 5 ways to strengthen labor and the middle class of this is 11 years old, but it still has some good points about leveling the playing field, you might say, for workers...and I’m pretty sure the minimum wage adjusted for productivity and inflation is around $15 an hour now...good idea about increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit also (and let's not forget this, by the way)...

Update: Well said.

...and this line stood out for yours truly from this link...
“When adjusted for inflation, the 2024 federal minimum wage in the United States is over 40 percent lower than the minimum wage in 1970.”
...Ugh...and here is a tune for the holiday.