Saturday, September 07, 2024

Saturday Stuff

We continue to deal with the effects of yet another instance of mass gun violence in this nation, this time in Georgia (and I know I alluded to this already), but it’s relevant again now because the (alleged) couch-f*cker J.D. Vance has referred to another mass shooting as a “fact of life,” and showing not the slightest inclination to do anything about it, which is yet another example of the “party of Lincoln” washing their hands of their responsibility to help keep us safe...Vance basically says, “well, mass shootings happen in states with strict gun laws and in state without strict gun laws,” purposefully ignoring ANY approach to try and solved this problem; wingnuts ABSOLUTELY LOVE to bash the city of Chicago, for example, because they say that that’s an example of strict gun control not working, when in fact, guns used in crime in Illinois are also purchased in Indiana, Wisconsin, and other states that have less strict gun laws (here...more here)...I was glad to hear Eugene Robinson in this clip because he’s one of the few people in corporate media I trust, and I thought Charlie Sykes made sense (I know he’s a recent convert to our side, but I can definitely see him going back to the “R” team later at some point), but Willie Geist was a little too quick to jump in and say, “Well, Vance really meant this” (which is typical for that program, one of the reasons why I usually don’t pay much attention to it to be honest), and it took Mrs. Scar to commendably introduce the Vance stuff...and Scar himself, while he's correct about making safe storage and red flag laws mandatory (and I would add mandatory background checks for ALL purchases and reduced magazine sizes), is a VERY imperfect messenger on this issue; he had a chance to do something about this when he represented Flori-DUUUH! in the U.S. House, and this is what happened instead...

Update: It looks like it's still not time to "politicize gun violence" (here).

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 9/9/14, in which the group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense (now Everytown for Gun Safety) launched an ad campaign against Kroger’s supermarket and their laissez faire policy, you might say, when it comes to customers brandishing firearms; exactly the type of civic action (I guess you could call it that) that we need on a continual basis on a few issues IMO, including this one...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report brought us this clip that’s roughly a year old, probably older, of RoJo The Clown in Wisconsin buying into a right-wing hoax about litter boxes and kids allegedly identifying as cats...Figueredo takes this in the direction of kids dealing with gender dysphoria, which is topical also I realize, but I’m including this video here with gun-related stuff to highlight this more than anything else (and this sadly fits also)...and I suppose his take on circumcision is apropos since that’s in the same “ballpark,” if you will, as gender-affirming surgery (which, again, doesn’t happen unless you’re 18 and you’ve gotten a hell of a lot of counseling first)...

...and at a certain point, I don’t know what else there is to do but just kick it...kind of in the mood to hear this tune, which has a hell of a bass line, among other good points.

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