Saturday, June 19, 2021

Saturday Stuff

I thought this was another good commentary from Beau of the Fifth Column about Juneteenth becoming a federal holiday, relating it a bit to July 4th (and the comment about that guttersnipe Charlie Kirk was spot on also)...

...and this tells us about the 14 U.S. House Repug cretins who voted against the holiday (and speak of the devil, isn’t this just too precious?)...

...and I thought this video from Second Thought was pretty good about how the richest 1% pay a pittance, if anything at all, in taxes (and while I don’t completely buy into the “Dems are the same as Repugs” framing, I have to admit unfortunately that there’s a lot of overlap when it comes to doing the bidding of their donors)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about the most recent idiocy from Repug U.S. Senator Roy Blunt calling the attempt by Joe Manchin to strike some voting bill compromise “the “Stacey Abrams bill” (with Abrams expertly “Blunt-ing” the attack, you might say – heh)...

...and David Pakman tells us that U.S. House Dems have proposed full decriminalization of pot, which I support (but not legalization for recreational use nationwide...timed for the 50th anniversary of Tricky Dick and his “war on drugs”...part of me smells more “Oh, Look At Those Dems! They Want To Legalize All Drugs, Siding With The Criminals Again!!!” garbage attack ads coming mainly next year over this, and the Dems had better be prepared instead of cowering in fear like most of them did over the “defund the police” stuff in ‘20)....

...and happy upcoming Father's Day to all dads out there.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Friday Stuff

(Posting might get a little flaky in the coming days...we'll see.)

Once more, I think Chris Hayes is spot-on to warn us that those who are responsible for the treasonous 1/6 insurrectionists will try again, with Hayes reminding us in a manner somewhat like Kevin McCarthy (the actor) in the original version of “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers”...

...and with the prior clip in mind, Farron Cousins points out that some Repugs & their sympathizers are trying to make 1/6 an “inside job” ridiculous as it is to see what their latest lies are on this, they’ll just keep repeating this nonsense until it becomes the dreaded “CW” on the part of waaaayyyy too many people...

...and I thought this was a particularly good take from Beau of the Fifth Column about what that callow Repug U.S. House a-hole Madison Cawthorn said about those responsible for the treason on 1/6, pretty much comparing them to the VC (here)...

...and Ana and Cenk report on the ongoing misery in Texas over their broken-down power grid, dealing with freezing cold in the winter and now boiling heat in the summer (and paying attention to trans athletes instead – duuuuuhhh!!!)...and by the way, I know there’s a lot of stuff going on with that execrable slug Jimmy Dore and Ana/TYT, and I really don’t have time to say much about it except to point out that Dore may be the lowest of white trash, and if somehow he gets slapped down in a court of law, all the better...

...and speaking of human garbage, The Swanson TV Dinner Heir recently allowed Charles Murray to opine on his racist theories, all with that dopey fake-concern expression on Carlson’s face...and on the eve of Juneteenth no less (John and Viviana Vigil tell us more)...

...and on the topic of vulture predatory capitalism, this video from More Perfect Union tells us about Elon Musk firing Tesla employee Richard Ortiz for trying to organize a union at the CA plant; stuff like this is why I didn’t give a damn about Musk hosting SNL – tired of our media trying to mythologize these rapacious thieves (more here)...

...and Caroline Johnson of Rebel HQ tells us about the disgusting life form in Decatur, GA who allegedly killed a worker at the Big Bear market (more here)...the worker told the person to mask up, then the person left, came back, and allegedly killed the worker...the video also mentions the increased number of incidents of bad behavior over masks on airplanes...U-S-A! U-S-A!...

...and I need a selection to mellow out a bit - this should do it; hope it works for you too.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

Joy Reid speaks with Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse about trying to combat the billionaires trying to pretty much destroy the planet as well as ruining our lives every way possible (not just Charles Koch, though I’m quite sure he’s the worst)...

...and one of the ways has to do with the loss of economic opportunity through mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the wake of COVID-related job losses...

...and Cenk and Ana tell us another way our corporate overlords are trying to shorten all of our life spans, namely through domination of red states, run by completely bought-and-paid-for politicians (once more, love and kisses to the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR for this) prematurely cutting off unemployment insurance, starting with Alaska, Iowa, Missouri and Mississippi (likely to impact 3 million Americans...and 7.9 million fewer jobs after COVID, huh? Figures...and I wish I could disagree with that line about the only thing Biden may accomplish will be the rescue plan, but the way thing are looking...)...

...and this Now This clip tells us about Dem vet Lucas Kunce running against Mark “Mansion Man” McCloskey for the U.S. Senate from Missouri (more here)...

...and Mehdi Hasan reminds us that we’re not done yet with COVID and/or its variants, with Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Nahid Bhadelia (discussing the Delta Variant – 28% COVID vaccination rate in Mississippi...dear God)...

...and I started this by noting predatory gazillionaire Charles Koch and the influence of his brethren, and I would include Mark Zuckerberg in that group – kudos to Roger Waters for this (I know the issue has to do with “Another Brick In The Wall,” but when I think of “one percenters” like Zuck, this tune definitely comes to mind).

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

I would agree that the issue with U.S. Senate “Democrat” Joe Manchin is rooted in race and raw numbers, as Don Winslow points out in another well-done video...

...and John and Ana tell us about cops in Baton Rouge, LA who petitioned to have an associate professor named Thomas Frampton jailed for sharing bodycam footage (which was already public) of police strip searching a minor to the point where his genitals were exposed...yeah, watch us lecture other countries about bad behavior while we pull this garbage (more here)...

...and Chris Hayes makes a pretty good case here when it comes to holding those responsible for corruption and insurrection to account (featuring this story)...I have a feeling in the back of my mind that that won’t happen and we’ll continue down this perilous slide to fascism for real, but believe me when I tell you that I want to be wrong on that...

...and speaking of holding powerful people to account, last Sunday marked the 50th anniversary of the New York Times publishing The Pentagon Papers (and FWIW, Neil Sheehan passed last January...may need to crank the volume a bit)...

...and Rick Strom of TYT Sports reminds us of ongoing political BS in “the land of the yellow rose”...

...and it looks like another sunny day in the venue of Le Manse Doomsy, so how's about a nice, upbeat seasonal tune?

Monday, June 14, 2021

Monday Stuff

Chris Hayes speaks with Dem U.S. House Rep Eric Swalwell about alleged spying that took place from the DOJ of Former Generalissimo Trump on Swalwell and Adam Schiff (with that ridiculous comment from here about “classified leaks” from Repug U.S. Sen Charles Grasshole – yeah, just go visit the Windsor Heights Dairy Queen again, why dontcha)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that almost-completely-useless Dem U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin took some of that sweet dark $$ before he said he’d oppose the “For The People” Act (I’m sure the COC considers that to be some nice ROI, earning the WVA senator an FU)...

...and David Doel tells us about Democratic defections on the watered-down Biden infrastructure bill...God, I’ve seen this goddamn movie so many freaking times! The Repugs are like Lucy holding the proverbial football, a Dem president goes to kick it a la Charlie Brown, and then it gets yanked...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Dem PA State Rep Brian Sims getting his mic cut for bringing a “truth bomb” to the PA “lege” for me one thing Sims said that was factually incorrect...

...and RIP acclaimed character actor Ned Beatty, here portraying executive Arthur Jensen from the film “Network,” a flick with enough smarts for about five other movies also...

...and I offer this tune for the holiday, which will always be important for me personally (not much else to say about that).