Friday, June 18, 2021

Friday Stuff

(Posting might get a little flaky in the coming days...we'll see.)

Once more, I think Chris Hayes is spot-on to warn us that those who are responsible for the treasonous 1/6 insurrectionists will try again, with Hayes reminding us in a manner somewhat like Kevin McCarthy (the actor) in the original version of “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers”...

...and with the prior clip in mind, Farron Cousins points out that some Repugs & their sympathizers are trying to make 1/6 an “inside job” ridiculous as it is to see what their latest lies are on this, they’ll just keep repeating this nonsense until it becomes the dreaded “CW” on the part of waaaayyyy too many people...

...and I thought this was a particularly good take from Beau of the Fifth Column about what that callow Repug U.S. House a-hole Madison Cawthorn said about those responsible for the treason on 1/6, pretty much comparing them to the VC (here)...

...and Ana and Cenk report on the ongoing misery in Texas over their broken-down power grid, dealing with freezing cold in the winter and now boiling heat in the summer (and paying attention to trans athletes instead – duuuuuhhh!!!)...and by the way, I know there’s a lot of stuff going on with that execrable slug Jimmy Dore and Ana/TYT, and I really don’t have time to say much about it except to point out that Dore may be the lowest of white trash, and if somehow he gets slapped down in a court of law, all the better...

...and speaking of human garbage, The Swanson TV Dinner Heir recently allowed Charles Murray to opine on his racist theories, all with that dopey fake-concern expression on Carlson’s face...and on the eve of Juneteenth no less (John and Viviana Vigil tell us more)...

...and on the topic of vulture predatory capitalism, this video from More Perfect Union tells us about Elon Musk firing Tesla employee Richard Ortiz for trying to organize a union at the CA plant; stuff like this is why I didn’t give a damn about Musk hosting SNL – tired of our media trying to mythologize these rapacious thieves (more here)...

...and Caroline Johnson of Rebel HQ tells us about the disgusting life form in Decatur, GA who allegedly killed a worker at the Big Bear market (more here)...the worker told the person to mask up, then the person left, came back, and allegedly killed the worker...the video also mentions the increased number of incidents of bad behavior over masks on airplanes...U-S-A! U-S-A!...

...and I need a selection to mellow out a bit - this should do it; hope it works for you too.

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