Saturday, July 13, 2019

Saturday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen presents this clip of AOC standing tall once again on the issue of what you could call “self-rationing” of health care; I detected an awful lot of empty seats at that hearing, and I’m sure you did also…maybe there was a good reason for that, I don’t know, but I’m just sayin’...

…and speaking of health care, yes, this is wonderful news…unfortunately, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao may “table” it in the Senate, and please believe me when I tell you I want to be wrong (I trust McConnell on absolutely nothing...more here)…

…and I apologize for presenting this somewhat extended clip of lying from The Gropenfuhrer, this time on the environment, but it’s necessary to do so to show some commendable push-back from Shep Smith of Fix Noise (Cenk and Ana explain...more here)…

…and here’s a sentence I didn’t think I’d ever write – it looks like former Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest is going to get a commemoration today (here)…

…and yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the carnage from Disco Demolition Night in Comiskey Park in Chicago (here; yeah, I’m inclined to look at it a bit as a “cultural event” also)…

…and I guess, as far as the Repugs and providing comprehensive health care to the vast majority of this country is concerned (referencing the first clip), the title of this tune says it all.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Friday Stuff

Rachel Maddow and Jacob Soboroff brought us this recent report about punishment and sexual assault against immigrants crossing over to this country from Mexico at a detention facility in Yuma, AZ ("alleged," let's not forget; more here - uh huh...don't hold your breath waiting for the USCCB to say anything about this too…and yes, I looked and I couldn’t find anythingthis is all happening in our name, people!)...

…and I know I touched on this a bit on Wednesday also, but I don’t think it hurts to do it again…the “crotch couch” at Fix Noise is apparently thrilled that people in this country have to work multiple jobs – yeah, that sure figures, doesn’t it…love to see what kind of swag Hegseth and co. pull in annually (David Pakman tells us more…I would ask that you pay particular attention to this clip from about 4:00 to about 5:00)...

…and Farron Cousins tells us about the Gropenfuhrer auctioning off strippers as a golf promotion that’s supposed to benefit a children’s charity; the charity got wind of it and quite properly bailed (yeah, imagine what would happen if Trump didn’t have the magic “R” after his name…I still can’t believe that I’m talking about a sitting President of the United States here)…

…and John I. and Jayar Jackson of “The Damage Report” tell us about Dem U.S. House Rep Ilhan Omar responding to Swanson TV Dinner Fortune Heir Tucker Carlson and his racist insults…sadly, I’m afraid John and Jayar may be correct; one of these days, some numbskull is likely to take a shot at her or someone in our courageous Dem class of U.S. House reps (and please keep them in mind for the next clip also)…you don’t know how much I want to be completely wrong about that

…and it’s time once more for another installment of “This Day in Doomsy History” (more or less) from 7/10/08. But before I go to the clip, I think I need to set this up a bit.

Yes, I’ve recently defended House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the question of impeaching Adolf Twitler in An Oval Office (here). Even with public support moving solidly in their favor (here, among Dems anyway), I still think you need to slow-walk this somewhat to try and avoid the inevitable pitfalls (also, I think this would prolong the media exposure, which could be beneficial if Dem candidates present a solid alternative to the voters also and not just run on “I’m Not Trump”).

However, as far as I’m concerned, I’m not seeing much “fire” from the people in charge of “Team D” in Washington, D.C. Yes, I realize that there are SO MANY OUTRAGES from Our Clueless, Tiny-Handed Treasonous Orange Meat Sack that’s it’s hard to determine which ones to take on first, but I think I need to point out that the other side has NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER blasting away at whatever real or imagined “target” they want. As usual, I see the Dems, as a party, being led on standing up to President Fergus Laing instead of leading the charge themselves. Worse, when some from the commendable U.S. House freshman class DO STAND UP, such as AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib or Ayanna Pressley, they are at best ignored and at worst vilified by Pelosi, Schumer, Hoyer, etc.

Much has been made of the role of the Teahadists in taking over Congress in 2010 (and as far as I’m concerned, there was nothing “spontaneous” about them, including the rant by that clown Rick Santelli that allegedly brought that wretched group into being). I would argue that two factors that loomed at least as large as the role of the tea heads was the congressional Dem cave-in on FISA (here) as well as the attacks on ACORN that eventually led to the group’s demise. The ACORN stuff was Repug Playbook 101 – when they’re out of power, focus on an “issue” which is actually inconsequential bullshit to rile their base (and also muck up the process of anything approximating good government). We know what eventually happened on FISA, and I don’t recall a spirited, unified party response on ACORN either (though a defense of ACORN is noted here).

And I guarantee you that one person who understood everything I just pointed out was Dem U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, which is why he was so thoroughly vilified (like Bill Clinton, the worst personal stuff he did came from his own hand, you might say, instead of something from “the other side”). Even when this man had a freaking brain tumor, he still roared like the “liberal lion” he truly was. This clip is Kennedy speaking out against the NSA and warrantless surveillance; this is how the U.S. congressional Dem “leadership” should be reacting to the Trumpian outrages that seemingly inflict us without end (and once more, the truly sad part about this is that the U.S. Congress, including the Dems of course, gave Bushco what they wanted anyway despite Kennedy’s commendable push-back).

(Oh, and on a somewhat related note, I give you this and this. I think Cenk, Ana, Kyle K. and company kind of go overboard at times with their purity tests against corporate Democrats, but I agree with Cenk’s analysis over Amy McGrath and whether or not she supports “Schlitz” Kavanaugh. This one isn’t difficult, people – a “D” should not support Kavanaugh for ANY reason, and I don’t care if you’re talking about a red, purple, blue or whatever state. I’m inclined to agree that McGrath is getting crappy consulting on this one, and yeah, I blame Schumer too…kind of disgusting to see Pelosi get over-analyzed at every opportunity, while Schumer gets a pass by comparison for goofs like this.)

So with that admittedly boring setup out of the way, I now present Kennedy speaking out against warrantless surveillance…

...and happy belated 60th birthday to Suzanne Vega.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Wednesday Stuff

Actually, based on this, McConnell isn’t anywhere near 33 percent, though I’m sure that number will tighten up as the election goes forward (it also tells me, among other things, that it’s definitely time for Bob Menendez to declare that this will be his last term in the U.S. Senate…as I’ve said before, the Repugs ran that total stiff Bob Hugin against him last time, and they won’t make that mistake again)…and to help Dem U.S. Senate candidate Amy McGrath, click here (again, I’m not sold on reparations I admit, but my family never owned slaves or “redlined” anyone out of the housing they wanted either)…

…and Al Jazeera tells us about U.S. UK Ambassador Kim Darroch quitting; yeah “Mango Mussolini” (hat tip to Aliza Worthington at C&L for that one – heh) deserves a lot of blame here, but according to the report, let’s not forget Boris Johnson’s role in this too (Johnson may end up as the next British PM, which would make Trump and Putin happy of course)…

…and NowThis tells us about the arrest of that alleged monster Jeffrey Epstein (and Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta should have already been fired over it, but again, we're talking about someone working for the Gropenfuhrer)…

…and I know I’ve already spent waay too much time on that Fix Noise fathead Jesse Watters, but yeah, “many people” sure is a “tell,” isn’t it? (Sam Seder and the TMR crew explain)…

…and sticking with the network that remains The Demon Spawn of Roger Ailes, I realize it would be messed up to advocate violence, and I’m definitely not doing that, but if I did, I might be motivated to hope for someone to “go medieval” on Donald Luskin’s punk ass after watching this (that statistic on CEO earnings made me want to puke…and I think Luskin once said “I Am John Galt”…self-entitled prick)…

…and I feel like I need a bit of a “palate cleanser” of a musical selection after that clip, so here it is.

Monday, July 08, 2019

Monday Stuff

It appears that Fix Noise wasn’t able to “control the narrative,” you might say, on the occasion of the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team winning yet another World Cup – kudos; Brian Tyler Cohen gives us his analysis…

…and Kyle tells us about Ro Khanna standing tall once again against Maria Bartiromo and her typical wingnut talking points against Bernie Sanders; I have to admit that the pro-Bernie folks are apt to overdo it at times as far as I’m concerned, but it kind of cracks me up a bit that he’s the only one of the current field who ran in ’16, which makes him the contender by default by my estimation, but all I keep hearing about from our corporate media is Biden and MAYOR PETE! – “oh, and by the way, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris (both worthy IMHO) are tied for third”…

…and I give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 7/5/12; given that Dem state senator Katie Muth of our beloved commonwealth recently went viral reading the letter from constituent John Boyd who was able to work his way back from poverty (and reading it over that fathead Jake Corman who continually tried to yell over her), I thought it would be a good idea to revisit this clip from columnist Gil Smart, very much in a similar vein (and I was sorry to hear about this – hope Smart is OK).

(And by the way, I think it’s worth it to mention for about the thousandth time or so, that, to be honest, the example of Boyd is something that you would think Repugs would be happy about because it shows someone trying to be self-sufficient…I mean, you would think so, except for the fact that the Repugs just want to punish anyone who likely won’t vote for them of course, along with the fact that they HATE IT when government does anything constructive at all.)…

…and I also have to admit that I didn’t think Bruce with a pedal steel guitar would work for me, but it does.