“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Friday, August 03, 2018
Friday Stuff
Michael Brooks of The Majority Report leads off with the latest from the life forms supporting our Treasonous, Tiny Handed Orange Dictator Wannabe in Tampa (and the Seth Rich stuff was particularly odious even for them…and why do I have a feeling that the Rolling Stones tune “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” playing in the background is yet another goof aimed at these imbeciles…NSFW)…
…and Chris Hayes has more on this QAnon idiocy (oh, right…more baseless fringe media conspiracy garbage to benefit Trump – got it…with Sam Seder, and of course Reddit loves it; kind of explains the point of the Gropenfuhrer’s latest brown shirt rally…and by the way, when someone presents a crazy lefty idea, I promise I’ll give it the treatment it deserves)…
…and Ali Velshi talks with Mayor Catherine Pugh of Baltimore, one of the plaintiffs in a suit against the Gropenfuhrer who continues to do his best to undercut the Affordable Care Law (and imagine somebody DYING because they couldn’t get dental care – are you freaking kidding me?)…
…and in a related item, Kyle K. tells us about how Medicare for All could potentially save a net of about $17 trillion over the next 10 years (more here – this isn’t really a new story, but it definitely bears repeating - NSFW again)…
…and with the Rob Rogers cartoon at the top of this post in mind, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 8/1/07; yep, we’re going back a bit for this “Back Talk” segment (this was the first, and I believe there were three total…and gee, I hear Dubya complaining about the “investigation” into Harriet Miers at that time also, kind of like the Gropenfuhrer complaining about Robert Mueller now…ah, but maybe it’s just me, right?)…of course, Dumbya thinks Brett Kavanaugh would be just peachy for the Supreme Court (here), with Repug U.S. Senator and Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley all set to ramrod Kavanaugh through at the earliest possible moment, as noted here…
…and happy 55th birthday to James Hetfield; as I’ve said, there’s no such thing as a bad time to hear Metallica (had this tune in mind for the first two videos in particular).
Thursday, August 02, 2018
Thursday Stuff
Farron Cousins tells us about the hissy fit between Generalissimo Trump and Chucky and Davey Koch – yep, more misdirection from the “haves” at the expense of the “have nots”…
…probably to try and make us not pay attention to garbage like this - Stephanie Ruhle speaks with Dan Nathan, co-founder and editor of RiskReversal.com, and Josh Brown, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, about another potential Trumpian tax giveaway for the one percent (Nail. Hammer. Head. by Brown at about 4:45…a little bit more of an in-depth takedown of the perpetual con of “trickle
…and Cenk and Ana tells us more contemptible garbage that the Sandy Hook parents have to deal with; yes, do whatever it takes within reason to hold that disgusting life form Alex Jones to account, and anyone who continues to give a social media platform of any time whatsoever to Jones is a miserable coward, but I actually am a little concerned about the precedent that could be established here if Jones loses in court, which he should…the emphasis must be on the threats of violence and the harm he has caused to the Pozners, among the other families (and don’t give me this “politically” shit when he’s making the gun motion with his finger and thumb...Mueller has more guts in his cuticle than Jones has in his entire body)…Jones definitely fails the “yelling fire in a crowded theater” test IMHO (more here, and this is predictable too I guess)…
Update 8/6/18: WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
…and nothing whatsoever against TYT, but I feel like I need a bit of a palate cleanser after that last item – hopefully this summer tune will do (I always loved this cover maybe just as much as the original).
Wednesday, August 01, 2018
Wednesday Stuff
Nice to see some genuine outrage from Chris Hayes here in light of the Trumpian HHS official who raised concerns about his regime’s family separation policy; Hayes speaks with Dem U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii (no particular reason why I'm leading off with Hayes for the second night in a row other than the fact that's his videos have been really good lately)…
...and leave it to Rudy 9iu11ani to move the metaphorical goalposts once again on his boss's collusion with Russia...
…and Ali Velshi tells us about this Cody Wilson nut trying to print 3-D guns; I don’t know why the hell Wilson isn’t in jail already for this (and don’t seriously expect me to feel sorry for the NRA – they, among others, let this demonic genie out of the metaphorical bottle…I’d really like to learn more about what the Obama Administration did and didn’t do on this…also surprised to hear about our beloved commonwealth of PA showing some common sense on a gun issue for a change)…
…and Kyle K. tells us about Repug U.S. House Rep Jason Lewis of Minnesota 2nd District calling welfare recipients “parasites” (NSFW – to do something about it, click here)…
…and yeah, when all else fails, it looks like it’s time for our beloved corporate media to bash millennials again, as Hasan Piker tells us…
…and the prior two clips put me in a bit of a mind to hear this tune.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Tuesday Stuff
Kudos to Chris Hayes for this, given his recent comment about how any story on climate change equals sucky ratings; again, not blaming Hayes so much as I am anyone who thinks this is a “ho-hum” story…
…and Stephen Colbert gave us this segment last Thursday on the most recent Trumpian media garbage (don’t want to imagine how stoo-pid the life forms are who continually praise the “hate pumpkin,” as Hunter of Daily Kos called him not long ago – and apparently our Treasonous, Tiny Handed Dictator Wannabe and his lizard-brained minions were at it again tonight, as noted here and, in particular, here...spoiler alert: you don't need an ID to buy groceries)…
...and Ari Melber talks with Dara Lind, senior reporter for Vox, on the latest immigration/asylum nightmare from Generalissimo Trump (hard to keep all of this insanity straight at this point, I have to admit; the Trumpsters obviously had no stinking clue about what to do when their actions were inevitably proven to be wrong – the “liberals rejoice” news turned out to be this, by the way)…
…and TYT’s Francis Maxwell tells us about the Gropenfuhrer’s “Religious Liberty Task Force” – uh, yeah…you wanna try to explain to me how they’re NOT the “American Taliban”?...
…and RIP Dem Congressman Ron Dellums…Rachel Maddow spoke with Dellums about five years ago, on the occasion of the death of Nelson Mandela in 2013 (important history here for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is to recall how truly insidious The Sainted Ronnie R actually was despite his ridiculous smiling façade)…
…and happy upcoming 60th birthday to Michael Penn.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Monday Stuff
Farron Cousins tells us that that utterly ridiculous evangelical fraud Franklin Graham is telling us that we can’t call out the Gropenfuhrer or else we’ll risk incurring God’s wrath (more here, and more on F. Graham is here…mildly NSFW)…
…and Ari Melber talks with Ken Dilanian of NBC News about the utter non-appearance of anything approximating urgency from our supposedly Godly preznit over the ongoing interference by Russia in our elections…
...and some of this on Generalissimo Trump's ruinous tariffs and the farm $12 bil payoff is old news I know, but I still think it's noteworthy to point out that our neighbors to the north aren't fooled in any way, shape or form ("socialism in full force" - uh, yep, though good "socialism" is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose)...
…and Rachel Maddow talks with immigration attorney Lee Gelernt about the 700-900 kids separated from their families by the Trumpsters who still have not been re-unified (and let’s not forget the silence, in essence, from the entire “party of Lincoln” in response)…
…and as far as I’m concerned, Dem Congressman Ro Khanna continues to impress for the reasons Kyle notes in this clip; yeah, our ridiculous defense spending is the most wasteful of our expenditures, but if you say something about that, yeah, you’d better watch your back (not sure if it’s NSFW or not, but it probably is)…
...and I know I'm falling behind on my summer tunes again, so here's another one.
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