Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that that utterly ridiculous evangelical fraud Franklin Graham is telling us that we can’t call out the Gropenfuhrer or else we’ll risk incurring God’s wrath (more here, and more on F. Graham is here…mildly NSFW)…

…and Ari Melber talks with Ken Dilanian of NBC News about the utter non-appearance of anything approximating urgency from our supposedly Godly preznit over the ongoing interference by Russia in our elections…

...and some of this on Generalissimo Trump's ruinous tariffs and the farm $12 bil payoff is old news I know, but I still think it's noteworthy to point out that our neighbors to the north aren't fooled in any way, shape or form ("socialism in full force" - uh, yep, though good "socialism" is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose)...

…and Rachel Maddow talks with immigration attorney Lee Gelernt about the 700-900 kids separated from their families by the Trumpsters who still have not been re-unified (and let’s not forget the silence, in essence, from the entire “party of Lincoln” in response)…

…and as far as I’m concerned, Dem Congressman Ro Khanna continues to impress for the reasons Kyle notes in this clip; yeah, our ridiculous defense spending is the most wasteful of our expenditures, but if you say something about that, yeah, you’d better watch your back (not sure if it’s NSFW or not, but it probably is)…

...and I know I'm falling behind on my summer tunes again, so here's another one.

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