Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday Stuff

(And yes, that is indeed a picture of "Top Step Shill", who is just fine with the T-shirt of course.)

Cenk and Ana of TYT give us an update on the latest mass shooting in this country, this time in Annapolis at the Capitol Gazette newspaper (here) – yep, totally a surprise that the Gropenfuhrer screams about fake news and attacks the media with impunity, and then something like this happens…yes, I realize this apparently was kind of a “lone wolf” thing with a guy who thought he was done dirty by the paper (Update 7/2...though I think we need to remember this also), though that definitely does not appear to be the case, but adding to this toxic stew of right-wing domestic violence the way our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Orange Wannabe Dictator does by egging on his lizard-brained minions doesn’t help in any way…

…and yeah, speaking of “lizard-brained minions,” Generalissimo Trump presided over another gathering of the brown shirts in North Dakota recently, as noted by Stephen Colbert (yep, let me kick in $15 for the “Pancho 2020” PAC)…

…and switching gears a bit, Mike Lux is here to tell us what we need to do to help Dems win in November…

…and returning to our stumbling, demented child-king, Farron Cousins tells us more about the temper tantrum he threw at the G7 Summit, this time over NATO (yep, if it walks like a duckski, talks like a duckski and quacks like a duckski…)

…and as noted here by Bill Maher, there isn’t anything he could say or do about our present state that could be worse than something that our pretender taking up space in An Oval Office is likely to actually do himself (NSFW)…

…and it definitely isn’t summer as far as I’m concerned without this song.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thursday Stuff

Rachel Maddow talks with Cecile Richards, formerly of Planned Parenthood, about the most recent developments with The Supremes – uh huh, I would say it’s time to “break the glass” too…

…and Lawrence O’Donnell reminds us how Trump and the Repugs are exploding the debt with that horrible tax bill, which Bri-Fi voted for, let’s not forget (to say nothing of what the Gropenfuhrer’s wretched tariffs are doing also – I feel like I want to throw up…once more, heckuva job, Trump voters, Jill Stein/Gary Johnson supporters and the “Bernie or bust” crowd, as well as everyone who didn’t bother to vote at all – to hold our PA-01 rep to account for bad behavior, click here)…

…and this is just too precious - David Bossie sez that Joel Payne, a Dem strategist, is out of his “cotton picking” mind (I’ll let you, dear reader, determine the problem…yeah, Bossie sure knows what is “disgusting,” all right – try looking in the mirror…more on Bossie is here, and apparently Bossie was suspended by Fix Noise)…

…and Hasan Piker tells us about yet another Trump supporter yelling at a Mexican – typically pathetic…lather, rinse, repeat…

…and Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about the Dem primary victory of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in NYC (all you have to do to be considered an elite pundit in polite corporate media Beltway society is utter two words – “both sides”…and the last I heard from Steve Schmidt, he said he was now a “Democrat” – tee hee…Schmidt has actually made some sense in the past, but definitely not now…I know I criticized what I considered to be the “piling on” against Joe Crowley – yeah, he f’d up in voting for Dubya’s war in Mesopotamia, but so did a lot of others – but I didn’t intend to diminish Ocasio-Cortez’s victory in any way)…

…and at long last, I now give you a tune from this century (like the fuzzy background too).

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday Stuff

Yeah, there goes the Supreme Court of Hangin’ Judge JR just “calling balls and strikes” again (what a load of bullpuckey, as Rachel Maddow might say, THAT was from Roberts’s confirmation hearing)…the story has to do with the decision to try and deal a death blow to union organizing (here)…yeah, it looks pretty bad, but again, this shouldn’t be a surprise for the reasons noted by NBC legal reporter Pete Williams...take a bow, all you fools who have ever voted for Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao..

…and some hairdo at CNN interviews Keith Ellison (apparently upset by Ellison’s “uncivility”) on the Muslim ban ruling (more on Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent is here)…

…and speaking of Maddow, she interviews Anthony Romero of the ACLU on the Muslim ban (by the way, I would’ve included her “A” block on the Korematsu ruling along with Sotomayor’s dissent, but the whole clip wouldn’t play on MSNBC’s still-utterly-wretched web site)…

…and Pete Williams is back with more Supreme Court news, this one on the retirement of Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy (here) – I don’t think Kennedy was nearly as benign as the reporting here indicates, but yeah, this is still good news for the Gropenfuhrer unfortunately and rotten news for everyone else – yeah, the Repugs just can’t wait to cement the court the way they want, otherwise Kennedy would’ve waited until a new justice is confirmed…once again, rules apply only to Democrats but never to Repugs (and I definitely agree with this)…

Update: Uh, yep.

…and while the wingnuts further consolidate their power, leaving what damn well better be a blue congressional tidal wave in November as the only recourse we have left, what is our side doing? Why, we’re engaging in circular firing squads of course…yes, the primary process worked on behalf of progressives and that process needs to work without anyone’s thumbs on the figurative scales, I know, and when it works that’s a good thing (here), but I’m just saying that I heard a lot of braying and carping about how Joe Crowley was nothing but a CORPORATE DEM CORPORATE DEM CORPORATE DEM CORPORATE DEM CORPORATE DEM CORPORATE DEM CORPORATE DEM BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD!!!! so he HAD TO BE DEFEATED…well, when I think of Crowley, I think of this video from a few years ago in particular (and let’s not forget this too)…

…and I know I’m way overdue for a more recent tune here, but that will have to wait given that today is also the 50th anniversary of Elvis’s comeback TV special (here) – I know I put up this tune an awful lot, but if there was ever a day to hear it again, I think this is it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday Stuff

Lawrence O’Donnell gives us some history on the Harley Davidson motorcycle company, and why the trade war started by the Gropenfuhrer is so ruinous so far for its U.S. employees (more here)…

…and David Pakman tells us that Sinclair is trying to push the child torture propaganda from Generalissimo Trump and his minions (more here – our Sinclair station in this area is WPHL, sadly…to find the Sinclair station in your area, click here)…

…and with the prior clip in mind, I give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 6/24/12 – see, before all of this hand-wringing about “civility” was going on (long before Sarah Huckabilly Sanders was denied her chicken-fried steak or whatever…and by the way, Dean Baquet can eat shit), there used to be a commentator on MSNBC named Martin Bashir, who gave us news/editorial segments like the one that follows…of course, he was impertinent enough to make somewhat of an off-color remark about a certain former half-term governor of Alaska for which he apologized, but was forced off the air for anyway - yep, more than anything, this clip is my response to this

Update 6/29/18: Actually, as long as I’m talking about Willard Mitt, I should note Bain Capital’s greasy fingerprints all over the demise of Toys 'R’ Us, as noted here.

…and speaking of The Old Gray Lady, Farron Cousins reports on a Trump supporter mentioned in the Times (George Skarich, pictured above) who now wants the Democrats to help him after seeing what the ruinous tariffs from our Tiny-Handed, Treasonous Orange Egomaniac have done to his business, and I’d like to provide the following well-reasoned response…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! YOU MORON!!!...

…and part of what I try to do here, in my admittedly imperfect way, is provide what I think is an important history lesson from time to time, and today represents one of those occasions since it marks the 70th anniversary of The Berlin Airlift, which we performed with Great Britain (here)…and nobody went on TV to yell about whether or not it should be left up to the states or if it was “big gumint” overreach or some dastardly liberal plot…everybody pretty much shut up and did the right thing, the way we used to in this country before the utterly ruinous conservative ascendancy…

…and since I led off this post with an item about motorcycles (and just featured a video with our brave Brit buds), I think this tune is definitely appropriate.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday Stuff

Ari Melber discusses Rep. Ted Lieu’s playing of the tape of the kids crying at the detention centers (with Michael Beschloss – oh, and you just keep talking about your “red wave,” Generalissimo Trump – just keep talking about it)…

…and gosh, what’s a young Trumpster to do when it comes to the D.C. social scene? Well, maybe NOT be a young Trumpster, for starters…

…and Michael Brooks tells us more about disgusting Trump supporters, in Arizona in particular (very NSFW…and I don’t think this is too harsh, given what they definitely would do and have done to people of the political persuasion shared by yours truly, among others)…

…and John and Cenk of TYT talk about falling wages (and concerning Cenk’s promo before the video, Jimmy Dore can kiss my big white butt)…

…and what a shame – Sarah Huckabilly Sanders was refused service at the Red Hen restaurant in Virginia…cue the wingnut umbrage (overheard someone at a Wendy’s in Langhorne complaining about “liberals” on this – yep, elderly white conservative, and I’ll bet you $10 that he voted for our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Orange Dictator Wannabe…of course, they’re fine with Teh Gays not getting their wedding cakes, and I’m sure they were cool with this too)…

…and speaking of elderly white conservatives, it looks like the Bucks County Courier Times put its editorial foot in its utterly right-wing mouth again (here), which, in this case, was particularly stupid given the firing of Rob Rogers of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for penning anti-Trump cartoons...of course, either one of the utterly odious McCoy brothers will never have to worry about missing a paycheck – oh, and let’s never forget that, as far as conservatives are concerned, Democrats invented abortion in 1973 with the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision – of course, this admittedly not-desirable-in-any-way practice has been going on since bipeds first walked upright on this earth, but why should facts actually get in the way of ideology as far as the wingnuts are concerned?

And I thought Guy Petroziello’s comment about trying to find conservative balance on the Op-Ed page was particularly hilarious. Yeah, this is the same newspaper that once published a Letter to the Editor called “Dogs and Democrats,” and the letter was as stupid as you could guess from the title.

Well, since we’re talking about Bucks County’s conservative scandal sheet, I’m duly obligated to put up this video.