Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

I would agree that the issue with U.S. Senate “Democrat” Joe Manchin is rooted in race and raw numbers, as Don Winslow points out in another well-done video...

...and John and Ana tell us about cops in Baton Rouge, LA who petitioned to have an associate professor named Thomas Frampton jailed for sharing bodycam footage (which was already public) of police strip searching a minor to the point where his genitals were exposed...yeah, watch us lecture other countries about bad behavior while we pull this garbage (more here)...

...and Chris Hayes makes a pretty good case here when it comes to holding those responsible for corruption and insurrection to account (featuring this story)...I have a feeling in the back of my mind that that won’t happen and we’ll continue down this perilous slide to fascism for real, but believe me when I tell you that I want to be wrong on that...

...and speaking of holding powerful people to account, last Sunday marked the 50th anniversary of the New York Times publishing The Pentagon Papers (and FWIW, Neil Sheehan passed last January...may need to crank the volume a bit)...

...and Rick Strom of TYT Sports reminds us of ongoing political BS in “the land of the yellow rose”...

...and it looks like another sunny day in the venue of Le Manse Doomsy, so how's about a nice, upbeat seasonal tune?

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