Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

Joy Reid speaks with Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse about trying to combat the billionaires trying to pretty much destroy the planet as well as ruining our lives every way possible (not just Charles Koch, though I’m quite sure he’s the worst)...

...and one of the ways has to do with the loss of economic opportunity through mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the wake of COVID-related job losses...

...and Cenk and Ana tell us another way our corporate overlords are trying to shorten all of our life spans, namely through domination of red states, run by completely bought-and-paid-for politicians (once more, love and kisses to the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR for this) prematurely cutting off unemployment insurance, starting with Alaska, Iowa, Missouri and Mississippi (likely to impact 3 million Americans...and 7.9 million fewer jobs after COVID, huh? Figures...and I wish I could disagree with that line about the only thing Biden may accomplish will be the rescue plan, but the way thing are looking...)...

...and this Now This clip tells us about Dem vet Lucas Kunce running against Mark “Mansion Man” McCloskey for the U.S. Senate from Missouri (more here)...

...and Mehdi Hasan reminds us that we’re not done yet with COVID and/or its variants, with Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Nahid Bhadelia (discussing the Delta Variant – 28% COVID vaccination rate in Mississippi...dear God)...

...and I started this by noting predatory gazillionaire Charles Koch and the influence of his brethren, and I would include Mark Zuckerberg in that group – kudos to Roger Waters for this (I know the issue has to do with “Another Brick In The Wall,” but when I think of “one percenters” like Zuck, this tune definitely comes to mind).

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