Monday, June 14, 2021

Monday Stuff

Chris Hayes speaks with Dem U.S. House Rep Eric Swalwell about alleged spying that took place from the DOJ of Former Generalissimo Trump on Swalwell and Adam Schiff (with that ridiculous comment from here about “classified leaks” from Repug U.S. Sen Charles Grasshole – yeah, just go visit the Windsor Heights Dairy Queen again, why dontcha)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that almost-completely-useless Dem U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin took some of that sweet dark $$ before he said he’d oppose the “For The People” Act (I’m sure the COC considers that to be some nice ROI, earning the WVA senator an FU)...

...and David Doel tells us about Democratic defections on the watered-down Biden infrastructure bill...God, I’ve seen this goddamn movie so many freaking times! The Repugs are like Lucy holding the proverbial football, a Dem president goes to kick it a la Charlie Brown, and then it gets yanked...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Dem PA State Rep Brian Sims getting his mic cut for bringing a “truth bomb” to the PA “lege” for me one thing Sims said that was factually incorrect...

...and RIP acclaimed character actor Ned Beatty, here portraying executive Arthur Jensen from the film “Network,” a flick with enough smarts for about five other movies also...

...and I offer this tune for the holiday, which will always be important for me personally (not much else to say about that).

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