Monday, September 09, 2024

Monday Stuff

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but it’s still depressing to travel throughout Fairless Hills, Lower Makefield, and Newtown in these parts and see small mounted billboards for Trump/Vance; I haven’t come across a lot of them, but I’ve seen too many for my liking (and I’m sure it’s no surprise to find out that the biggest one faces Route 332 near the Newtown Athletic Club, run by Jim Worthington, who paid for buses to send a bunch of MAGA crazies to Washington, D.C. on 1/6/21 as noted here...and this guy attended a Worthington fundraiser, let's not forget).

I mean, I realize that some of these life forms would sooner chop off a body part than vote for a Dem, but at a minimum I would expect them NOT to advertise support for Cantaloupe Capone and the (alleged) couch f*cker. However, it seems that that is too much to ask also. These cretins would sooner trash our nearly-250-year-old Democratic experiment in this country in order to protect their privilege (a lot of how I feel about this was captured here...also, I'm not going to kid you; there are times when I'm really ashamed of my gender primarily for this reason).

And with all of this in mind, I give you the following from Brian Tyler Cohen discussing Liz Cheney endorsing Kamala Harris at Duke University...yes, I have problems with Cheney and her old man for sure, but in this instance they’re doing the right thing and deserve credit and thanks IMO; this leads into the Dem endorsement from McCain’s son and “the Mittster” glad to hear Cohen say that this isn’t the time for damn purity tests from our side and talking about how important it is that we expand our coalition...

...and as a bit of a follow-up to the Crooks and Liars clip, Chris Hayes presents answers from the Gropenfuhrer (and I’m being a little loose in defining “answer” in his case I know) and VP Kamala Harris on the issue of childcare in this country... I try not to pay too much attention to that lying orange sack of sh*t, but God almighty, his answer might just be the most insulting gibberish I’ve ever heard from him, and that’s saying something I know...

...and Mango Mussolini is happily leading the way for myriad other right-wing bullies, including King Elon I of Xitter as Thom Hartmann points out...”Elmo” has truly turned the formerly halfway decent social media platform into what can be charitably described now as a dumpster fire (more here)...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union discusses Alabama using incarcerated individuals (non-violent offenders) to work at businesses in that state, including fast food establishments...apparently that leads to an “elevated” status of some type with some privileges, but it also looks like the state takes about 40 percent out of the incarcerated workers’ paychecks before taxes...doesn’t sound like such a great deal to me, and it may be illegal anyway (and yeah, it indeed looks like this has “evolved” from slavery with basically the same demographic)...

...and RIP Jim Riswold, who brought us ads like this one way back when...

...and RIP also Sergio Mendes, who brought what I guess you could call a “bossa nova” sound to contemporary music, which he featured in this Beatles cover from way back when; classy to refer to Lennon/McCartney as the “Rodgers and Hart of Carnaby Street” (and don't look for the trumpet player 😊).

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