Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us about Combover Caligula running to Fix Noise with his hurt fee fees after the spanking he got at the presidential debate...and what else can you expect from that nematode Jesse Watters? And yeah, 45 is doing the “accordion hands” bit again (and those phony baloney polling results are hilarious)..."The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command" (from here)...

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ brings us some harpie named Lindsay Burke from the Heritage Foundation who tries calling out Katie Porter for spending “other people’s money,” specifically concerning childcare; which Repugs oppose of course, to their folly IMO; Dems support it, which isn’t surprising I guess...Burke is mentioned here, and yes, she’s also linked to Project 2025...this also includes a clip of Porter with a “pharma benefit manager” and her white board discussing pharma profits, which is a truly sickening topic as far as yours truly is concerned...PA’s Summer Lee also stands up against these cretins, and yeah, I don’t know how the individuals who run United Healthcare sleep at night, but somehow they do I guess (I also don’t know who the narrator is later in this video)...

...and David Doel discusses the killing of an American by the IDF in Israel (actually, there has been more than just one)... I agree that we should cut off weapons sales to “Bibi,” but the problem is that Israel would turn around and likely get arms from Russia and/or China; I’m not talking about what’s right and wrong, I’m talking about realpolitik...also, I’d forgotten about Rachel Corrie, who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer in an about as horrific a way as you probably can’t imagine (during the wingnut triumphalism of the wretched years of George W. Bush, Corrie was vilified in utterly repugnant ways)...mildly NSFW/H...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union tells us about tech billionaires trying to take over rural America, Solano County, CA in particular, through some outfit called Flannery Associates, and doing everything they can to utterly piss off the locals in the process, including farmers (more here...mildly NSFW/H also)...

...and John Iadarola tells us that “all hat, no cattle” Texas guv Greg Abbott has a problem with VP Kamala Harris busing migrants from the border, which is hilarious in a way because Abbott did the same damn thing, but the difference is that Harris doesn’t plan to drop them in the middle of nowhere with only the clothes on their backs, and in cold weather if it can be avoided...and actually, Abbott spent more dough on his cruelty than John states here; this is closer to the actual number...and good point by John to note that the busing thing started from Abbott because he complained that Biden wasn’t doing enough, so now Harris take a more active role like Abbott wants, but Abbott complains anyway? Is logic anywhere in sight here??...

...and Marc Elias and Paige Moskowitz of Democracy Docket let us know that, apparently, Missouri will be unable to keep a pro-abortion measure off the ballot in November, despite the best (worst?) efforts of Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft (however, it looks like nearby Indiana is going in the wrong direction because of Repug wingnut judge Kelsey Blake Hanlon as noted here)...

...and as noted here, yesterday was the 15th anniversary of massive protests by the Teahadists in Washington, D.C., with the teabaggers being a premier “astroturf” organization protesting the Affordable Care Act and other measures to try and level the economic playing field after the Great Recession; as noted in the video (featuring a tune from the funniest math professor of all time), this bunch was, and remains, utterly racist to its core (more here and here)...

...and kudos to Linda Ronstadt for this; when I think of the Repug ticket for preznit and VP, this tune comes to mind almost immediately...lots of stories out there about her class and professionalism, but the one I remember the most is how what was once her backup band wanted to strike out on their own, and not only did she not get PO’ed about that and support them, but she also sang one of their tunes to help them (“Desperado”), and of course I’m talking about these guys.

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