Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

(I predict that "I have concepts of a plan" will go down as the most infamous line of any presidential debate ever uttered for all time.)

I cannot tell you how happy I am to see somebody finally, FINALLY give this treasonous orange meat sack the treatment he deserves at long freaking last! And it’s a shame that I have to say this, but I hope they provide extra Secret Service protection for the VP...and I'm sure more analysis from Trump's trainwreck last night will be forthcoming...

Update 1: I didn't have "words of wisdom from Mike Tyson" on my Bingo card, but credit where it's due (here).

Update 2: As predictable as flatulence after indigestion (here).

...and this clip from The Lincoln Project reminds us that every VP from recent history has endorsed Kamala Harris (I don’t see Al Gore here, but I don’t think it’s hard to figure out his endorsement at this point)...

...and Sam of The Majority Report informs us that it looks like “pastor” Mark Robinson, the Repug gubernatorial nominee in North Carolina, was found out to be visiting porn shops (yeah, a “categorical no,” huh? Just say “oops” and get out...on second thought, stay in and drag down the ticket)...and “just straight American porn,” huh? As opposed to “that vile, BDS-loving, anti-Zionist BLM lefty, abortion-loving porn,” you mean (removing my tongue from my cheek)...

...and when it comes to individuals speaking the truth in the face of what I’m sure will be international condemnation, I give Irish MP Thomas Gould credit for this...

...and these next two clips are timely for this day also of course (related items are here, here, and here...oh, and this is typical for Our Former Orange Pustule-In-Chief also...and I thought this was also a timely reminder).

Update 1: More here.

Update 2: In the immortal words of David Huddleston in "Blazing Saddles," "Now who can argue with that?" (here).

Update 9/12/22: Important related info is here.

Update 9/12/23: And this needs to be remembered also.

Update 9/13/24: As we know, there is truly no bottom with this treasonous egomaniac (here).

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