Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

David Pakman gives us a report on Tim Walz acting pretty much like a normal human being when ordering doughnuts, aimed pretty much right at you-know-who (and yes, Pakman gives us a brief excerpt of the alleged couch fornicator and his beyond-wooden episode with workers in the same business)...yes, as Pakman points out, we choose to vote or not vote for people based on what policies they support and their actual accomplishments instead of whether or not they favor glazed, sprinkled or Boston Cream, but a compare-and-contrast exercise on this stuff can still yield telling results...

...but turning to stuff that is a lot more serious I’ll admit, Jesse Dollemore brings us this utterly demented tweet from Bronze Beelzebub in which he threatens prison for anyone who donates to Kamala Harris, pretty much giving away the game when it comes to what he’d do if, God forbid, he ever got anywhere near An Oval Office again...oh well, I guess that means yours truly might end up wearing an orange jumpsuit, and no, I’m definitely not laughing about that...and is Jesse ever right about our brain-dead corporate media’s lack of a response to Mango Mussolini’s antics, as noted here (and nice job to donate and put Our Treasonous Orange Pustule in his place...and when it comes to the “party of Lincoln” and immigration, here is one response)...

...and as if we needed anything else to point out the threat of Combover Caligula, I give you this from the Harris/Walz campaign...

...and there are times when I think we should laugh at the couch f*cker (alleged!), but this idiocy is serious stuff IMO...the Repug VP nominee has helped to amplify the beyond-ridiculous claim of Haitian immigrants kidnapping and eating pets in Springfield, Ohio, which of course began with a nutty uncle reading a right-wing meme somewhere that was spread in an online forum and somehow found its way to an otherwise-reputable news organization (aided in no small part by King Elon I of Xitter...I know I said I wouldn’t pay much attention to Scar and company, but they’re “on the beam” on this issue I’ll admit...more here)...

...and Rachel Maddow reminds us of Holocaust denial coming up somehow ad nauseum with the Trump/Vance campaign, which is definitely a feature and not a bug, in order to serve the purpose of mythologizing white history writ large and trivializing the suffering inflicted by the Nazi regime to somehow make some “strongman” type leader in this country more palatable, which, among other things, pisses all over the sacrifice of the “greatest generation” to preserve our way of life...oh, and by the way, it also means that violence against your enemies is OK...

...and Miss Beau gives us some interesting IMO polling numbers...waaay too damn close given that Our Treasonous Orange Lunatic is sunsetting right before our eyes, but some of this is encouraging I’ll admit – nice to know that Tim Walz is already in favorable territory...

...and RIP James Earl Jones, shown here in a scene from the stage production “Fences” with Courtney Vance...easy to remember his many movie roles as well we should, but we should also never forget what a titan he was onstage also...

...and happy 75th birthday to drummer Barriemore Barlow of Jethro Tull.

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