Saturday, November 14, 2020

Saturday Stuff

I wonder how much our corporate media would be absolutely screaming for Joe Biden to concede to Mango Mussolini if, tragically, last Tuesday’s results had gone the opposite way? Are they quiet on the subject because the Gropenfuhrer has the magic “R” after his name, and our fourth estate cousins like that?...

...and once again, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but their ads are good, and they’re absolutely right once more here (about Repugs McConnell, Perdue, Loeffler and McCarthy “putting America first”)...

...and this Really American clip brings the receipts, you might say, on Kelly Loeffler (to help Raphael Warnock in one of the two GA special runoff elections in January, click here)...

...and I honestly had not heard Sen. David Perdue’s deliberate mispronunciation of VP-elect Kamala Harris’s name before this clip, but yeah, it is indeed pretty gross, as Rachel Maddow tells us (to help Jon Ossoff in the other of the two GA special runoff elections in January, click here)...

...and boy, did Chris Hayes ever “find the nut” on this one; anybody who thinks Republicans will do ANYTHING except try to kneecap the incoming Biden/Harris administration any possibly way they can should pay attention to this clip (e.g., the Judy Shelton saga and the “loyal opposition” trying to “salt” everything – typically disgusting crap from Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao...I don’t want to imagine how twisted the life forms are who actually vote for this death eater, and I meant the current, and possibly future, Senate Majority Leader...again, to do something about that, click here to support Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the Georgia runoff elections in January...and gee, wasn't Lisa Murkowski supposed to be an actual grownup in "the world's greatest deliberative body" as noted here?)...

...and here’s a relatively newer, bluesy tune from this century – enjoy.

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