Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Stuff

This Lincoln Project clip informs us that those remarks that are kind of casual asides from Byron Donalds and other Trumpist stooges (“yeah, what matters is Inauguration Day, not Election Day”) let you know that these characters will indeed keep trying to overturn our democracy in favor of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule regardless of the electoral outcome...

...and Miss Beau lets us know about our latest grievance from Our Treasonous Orange Man-Baby – you know, it’s almost funny to hear #45 whine about Kamala Harris and “60 Minutes” because, in the process, he gives away everything he tries to do for himself, namely, to have interviews edited to try and make him sound intelligent...and OF COURSE that means, as far as Combover Caligula is concerned, that that program must be “investigated” (that is, kicked off the air)...and since he’s running away from Fix Noise, yeah, I guess he’ll be trying to get air time from OAN and Newsmax next...nice job to work in that line about the pets of Springfield, Ohio...

...and Chris Hayes tells us about the “party of Lincoln” “suddenly” seeing disinformation in the hurricane crisis...oh, so NOW that PEOPLE ARE FREAKING DYING AND LOSING THEIR HOMES, NOW you decide to push back against the outrageous garbage from Marjorie Train Wreck Greene, Ronna Romney McDaniel and the rest of their foul, fetid ilk? Forgive me while I ask a bit of an impolite question...WHERE THE F*CK HAVE YOU IDIOTS BEEN FOR AT LEAST THE LAST EIGHT YEARS OR SO? LIVING UNDER A ROCK??!!...

...and Thom Hartmann brings us the story of Providence St. Joseph Hospital in Eureka, California, an allegedly Catholic institution, which is so “pro-life” that they almost let a woman die who needed a medical abortion since her water broke at about 15 weeks, and the twins she was carrying would not survive...take a bow, you criminal SCOTUS, for trashing Roe and enabling this garbage (and kudos to California AG Rob Bonta for going after these criminals as noted here)...sorry Thom’s video is a little choppy...

...and this latest “Classroom” segment from Sean Morrow and More Perfect union discusses microplastics...and yes, unfortunately, we’re just going to ingest some of this garbage as we live our lives, but it definitely doesn’t help when unregulated manufacturing is responsible also...I’d heard of PCBs, but I’ve never heard about PAHs until now, and I’m not one bit surprised to find that Monsanto is part of this mess also...and calling something a “nurdle” sounds a bit benign, but in this case, it’s anything but...and Diane Wilson is my new heroine for her battle against Formosa Plastics in Seadrift, Texas, which as you can guess is a foreign-owned company manufacturing plastics and nurdles without end, and leaking vinyl chloride which can cause cancer, along with all of the chemical manufacturers mentioned in the video and probably many others also...terrific...

...and I ask myself the title of this song most every day (along with the lyrics a bit also), and I’m sure I’m not alone on that...if you’re reading this, I have a feeling you do too.

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