Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

David Pakman tells us that Our Treasonous Orange Pustule spouted off recently that Kamala Harris is murdering people at another one of these hate-filled rallies in Wisconsin (God, what a delusional psycho this guy is, but we knew that)...yep, as sick as you can imagine, and more and more incoherent as Pakman points out (I’m not even going to research his babblings...$93 trillion, huh? And buildings in Manhattan with no windows, and Democrats supposedly wanting to do something with bathrooms? And if Dems are able to take back the House, then yeah, we’ll be hearing about the Green New Deal again, you orange turd)...

...and Chris Hayes gives us more BS from Combover Caligula and Marjorie Train Wreck Greene, with the latter saying “they” can control the weather (and as Hayes points out, along with at least one Repug in North Carolina government, this stuff is hampering relief effort for people trying to recover from Helene)...I honestly don’t know what you do with the life forms who continue to believe this garbage; let them fester and stew in their own insanity and leave us alone, I guess (and Milton is on its way also, so it looks like this entire awful cycle will repeat itself...love to be wrong – all of this makes me recall this post)...

...and I know I said yesterday I would have something on the Biden Administration settling the dock workers strike, and Mike Figueredo comments on that here, featuring Harold Daggett, the leader of the striking workers, and their quest to obtain an eventual 77 percent pay increase, which, as Figueredo explains, really isn’t that unreasonable given both the specialization of their type of work and the potential danger...also a great point by Figueredo to talk about “class solidarity,” and of course, leave it to some numbskull from Fix Noise to try and spin the strike to make it sound like the longshoremen are trying to hurt farmers and other U.S. consumers while giving Maersk a pass...also, I realize that person questioning Our Ochre Abomination is going to keep yapping about INFLATION KAMALA HARRIS OMIGOD!!!, but it should be noted for about the zillionth time that INFLATION IS STATISTICALLY NOT AN ISSUE IN THIS COUNTRY!!! (here)... and as noted here, Bronzer Beelzebub might have been (with the exception of The Sainted Ronnie R) the most anti-worker president in our lifetimes, and #45’s comments about “dead head spending,” or whatever that mess was, was just a typical pro-business riff on THE ONE PERCENT MUST HAVE THEIR TAX CUTS WHILE THE GAYS AND THE TRANNIES AND THE ILLEGALS AND THOSE LAZY LOW-WAGE WORKERS HAVE TO GET IT IN THE NECK!! (NSFW/H)...

...and I have to admit that I don’t know much about Julie Su (referenced also in the Figueredo clip), but I was impressed by the way she handled that stoo-pid question from some pro-business lackey about “oh, the dockworkers can’t get a 63 percent wage increase phased in over 5 years because that cost will be passed on to consumers” nonsense (from Sam and Emma of The Majority Report...maybe the exact number of the wage increase is between the 77 from Mike Figueredo and the 63 percent here)...one of Sam’s good points has to do with the size of these cargo ships that can only dock in a few ports in this country and the related economic impact...

...and in keeping with anti-worker hostility in this country, this More Perfect Union clip takes a look at the Marathon Petroleum Refinery, which might be the greediest oil company in this country, and that’s saying a lot I know; the Teamsters are striking for a fairer wage and some reasonable time off for the workforce...important story, but it’s hard to hear the damn narrator!...

...and every once in a while, I think we need a bit of an inspirational tune, and I think this newer number works for now.

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