Monday, July 08, 2024

Monday Stuff

Farrons Cousins tells us in this video that Combover Caligula thinks (using the term loosely I'll admit) that the recent horrible SCOTUS ruling will erase his felony convictions in the Stormy Daniels hush money case – uh, no...most likely not, for the simple reason (as Cousins points out) that the charges in question have to do with actions that occurred before the Gropenfuhrer ever made it to An Oval Office...

...and with the prior clip in mind, Leeja Miller discusses How Our Ochre Abomination Profits From Being a Criminal...$12 million prosecuting that POS just between April and September of last year? I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am...clip is also an important rehashing of the Citizens United horror show...Miller also takes a look at the truly seamy nature of so-called “leadership PACs”...she’s right about the FEC not showing a heck of a lot of leadership on this issue, though I would argue that that also has to do with the fact that there are 3 Repug members as well as 3 Dem ones with no tie-breaking Dem vote to stop Repug obstruction (as Miller explains)...interesting (but disgusting) summary of the financial shenanigans between the MAGA Inc. Super PAC and the Save America PAC...pretty good explanation of how our utterly rigged justice system favors the wealthy and utterly screws over the poor...I didn’t know the campaign donations flowed in after Bronzer Beelzebub’s conviction in the Stormy Daniels case ($53 million), but I’m not surprised – no end to the nonsense from the gullible suckers and rubes out there...also didn’t know about the ties between the Trump campaign and Project 2025; the former is merely greasing the skids, you might say, to put the latter into place...the top 100 donors gave $1.6 billion in the 2020 campaign; if that isn’t proof that our election system is utterly broken, I don’t know what is (NSFW/H)...

...and Yasmin Khan, Cenk and Sharon Reed of TYT bring us the story of this Mark Robinson lunatic in South Carolina saying some people “need killing” – gee, I wonder who he’s talking about? Lefties? OF COOUUURRRSE!...I obviously don’t agree with Cenk about pulling Biden, but Cenk’s point about the double standard on violence is spot-on (and for the record, I don’t support violence against anyone either)...and I’m almost numb to the fact that this dangerous garbage took place at what supposedly is a house of worship, as Sharon Reed points out, but I know I shouldn’t be...

...and David Doel tells us about Labour winning big in the recent U.K. elections, despite lower vote totals than in previous election (which means that the country overall was pretty much done with the Tories, with the “Reform” party undercutting them big for me) looks like Keir Starmer will be the incoming Prime Minister (and I think it’s fair to compare the “Greens” to “Reform” in terms of the overall vote; I’m certainly not an expert on U.K. politics, I should emphasize...and based on this, it looks like France has taken an unexpectedly leftward turn also)...

...and returning to elections in this country, Beau discusses President Biden’s recent interview with George Stephanopoulos and $11 million (the approximate value of a 28-mniute prime time ad, which you could argue this was...sounds like the “normies” were basically OK with what Biden was saying, putting aside the fact for a minute that Biden is a gaffe machine as Beau says, something which we should all know by now...I believe that policy is what matters instead of verbal slipups like saying “goodest” or whatever...more here and here)...

...and I now give you today's regional forecast.

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