Friday, July 05, 2024

Friday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about the remarks from that Heritage pantywaist Kevin Roberts threatening violence against “the left”...with due respect to Cohen, he quite rightly mentions Project 2025 but doesn’t elaborate much; I thought Leeja Miller made a great video on that that you can link to here...and I don’t know who the $#@! decided that Michael Knowles, of all people, is supposed to be some arbiter of morality (The Daily Wire assclown putting down IVF and comparing it to rape), but it was nobody I know and nobody I would take seriously if I did...all of these scenarios get scarier by the minute, but the one from Glenn Kirschner about the “pardon kiosk” from Cantaloupe Capone may be the scariest of all...

...and this TYT clip brings us Dan Goldman and Summer Lee swatting back the idiocy of Nancy Mace, Marjorie Trailer Park Greene (of course) and Tim Burchett, with Mace asking who can identify female biology, basically, proving once again that the wingnuts think gender and biological sex are the same thing, WHICH THEY FREAKING AREN’T (and Mace says she was “rape shamed” by the left? Any proof for such a disgusting charge? Did anyone involved with that publicly apologize? What date and location for this? Bring some goddamn receipts!)...and I guess “black letter law” is the new wingnut line getting beaten to death, since they apply that to Dobbs I guess but were too dishonest to admit that they’d never apply it to Roe – figures...

...and when it comes to U.S. House reps actually standing up and doing the right thing (along with Lee and Goldman), Farron Cousins tells us that AOC plans to file articles of impeachment against at least one of our thoroughly bought-and-paid-for SCOTUS justices (I’m not taking issue with Cousins blaming Biden for not doing anything on the “High Court”; I know he’s right, but there are a lot of other reasons why the Court is corrupt, and I know Cousins knows that)...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union tells us about Dem Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson guaranteeing vacation days for all workers, as part of his effort to make The Windy City the most pro-worker location on the planet, to quote Johnson...and of course, the pro-business caterwauling in response (and I can’t think of a single time when the Chamber of Commerce types yapped like this and they were actually RIGHT) begins in three, two, one...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from about 7/5/11, in which the late, great Ed Schultz takes on income inequality in this country, pointing out that it was worse here than in Pakistan...that was 13 years ago, and an update is here...

...and I thought this was a clever bit from Bette Midler concerning our Theocrats in Robes on the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR; a small “nit” I have to pick is that I wish she’d put a message at the end telling everyone to vote and where to get registered online (you could try here), but that’s OK...

...and RIP Robert Towne, who won an Oscar for best screenplay for the legendary noir pic “Chinatown,” even though he did indeed have a battle with director Roman Polanski over the story (noted in the Times obit as well as this great book), but I would say that the fruits of all of that turned out to be sublime in terms of movie making (the pic marks its 50th anniversary this year, BTW)...Towne also was an active screenwriter in the ‘70s and ‘80s also (this clip is the film’s climax, including the memorable line at the end)...

...and after a week that has proven to be a bit disheartening to say the least, I think we can use a newer tune to help us refocus, and I think this is made to order to do just that.

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