Thursday, July 04, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us of Brave Sir Josh Hawley doing the “Christofascist” thing apparently in front of some “faith and freedom” audience, or something...I definitely believe religion is important, but it should be largely kept to oneself unless you choose to try and lead through example and NOT impose your beliefs on anyone...when it comes to Repugs, it is ALL ABOUT PROJECTION, in case we somehow don’t know that by now...and yeah, the Lochner era SCOTUS was pretty bad and I have no memory of that of course, but I cannot imagine how this current High Court isn’t worse...and when it comes to promoting the approved “Christian” faith for the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR, it’s “feels over reals” as the kids would say (NSFW/H)...

...and I’m going to stay away from anything from Emma Vigeland if it has to do with punditry, but here, she speaks with Professor Joanna Wuest on securing rights for LGBTQ individuals...important history on what I guess you could call the intersectionality of rights for gay/queer people with labor movements including teachers, and of course the push back from life forms like guv #DeathSantis in Flori-DUUH!, and John Briggs in California who faced off with Harvey Milk in the ‘70s...and I should have probably known that the poverty rate was higher for LGBTQ people, but I’m glad that was pointed out here...important also to note the lukewarm support for LGBTQ rights by businesses (the Bud Light/Dylan Mulvaney episode speaks volumes, unfortunately, but at least the North Carolina bathroom ban blew up on the wingnuts as noted...apologies for not really saying or doing much for Pride Month in June, which ended earlier this week of course)...

...and Robert Reich gives us some cautionary words on immigration, including the fact that it could potentially grow our economy by $7 trillion over the next decade...I’m putting aside the argument in favor of immigration having to do with basic human decency and rewarding people who have made the sometimes unholy sacrifice to come to this country in search of a better life (and I didn’t know about the comparative safety of border towns, but yeah, that makes sense too)...also interesting that immigrants pay more in taxes than they get in government benefits, but since that completely flies in the face of wingnut propaganda, I believe that as well...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us how U.S. House Repugs including “MAGA Mike” Johnson are helping fentanyl smugglers across our border, most of whom are U.S. citizens...the problem is that there are appropriations bills stuck in the House that would allow for the purchase of scanners that would nab these shipments before they get into this country, but of course the “party of Lincoln” has to make the border an issue for Our Ochre Abomination somehow, health and well being of this country be damned...

...and happy 100th birthday to actress Eva Marie Saint, shown here in “Exodus” with Paul Newman of course (screenplay by Dalton Trumbo, who stepped from behind aliases he was forced to use during the McCarthyite purges and essentially broke the blacklist by going public once more...Trumbo did this with the sizeable help of film director Otto Preminger and Kirk Douglas, who gave Trumbo the screenwriting job for “Spartacus”)...

...and I present the following as a bit of a holiday meditation...

…and I guess this counts as another “This Day In Doomsy History” entry, since I first put it up about five years ago...

...and best wishes for a happy Fourth to one and all.

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