Monday, July 01, 2024

Monday Stuff

I just thought I should mention, while we’re wringing our hands over President Biden’s recent debate performance (happily cheered on by our corporate media of course, which wants to see #45 return, God help us, for more tax cuts), that our Ideologues in Robes on the High Court recently handed down a decision which, as Brian Tyler Cohen and lawyer Glenn Kirschner point out, could impact many aspects of our lives that we’ve come to take for granted, and that is to overturn the 1984 Chevron ruling granting power to administrative agencies to make sure our air is fit to breathe, our water is fit to drink, etc...the “one percent” pulling the puppet strings of our politicians and judges have been trying to find ways to kneecap federal administrative agencies for years, going back at least to the days of the Teahadists around 2010 or so and probably even before that...this Court should be barred from ever uttering the phrase “stare decisis” again since they plainly don’t respect it, on this issue, Roe, gun control, voting rights, etc....a very minor sliver of light here is that this ruling supposedly will have no retroactive effect on already-decided cases, as Kirschner points out (and this isn't surprising either, is it?)...

...though our Philistines in Robes intervened on behalf of emergency abortions in Idaho, so that’s something – Thom Hartmann, though, tells us that the Supremes basically kicked this decision back to the lower court so another anti-abortion case wouldn’t be a factor against Combover Caligula in the fall election...the Supremes also blew up the Sackler immunity deal, but of course the “big ticket” issues affecting the majority of people’s lives in this country are what matters the most, such as blocking Biden’s air pollution plan and ripping apart the SEC’s fine capability, saying jury trials are required instead (wonder if the Inquisition is next for this bunch – I probably shouldn’t ask)...I didn’t hear his report on who supposedly put the SCOTUS in charge of everything – I’ll do some research on my own about that...

...and it looks like our renegade SCOTUS basically knee-capped the 1/6 prosecutions over the fact that the Sarbanes-Oxley law was used to go after those participating in the insurrection; apparently the case that was the source of all of this had to do with a cop named Fischer in Lebanon, PA (here) who participated in the treasonous events of that fateful it sounds like Hangin’ Judge JR is putting official functions of the U.S. Congress in the same priority as zoo animals and trash-talking football players? I’m no “legal eagle,” but I would say that that’s a pretty demented interpretation (completely shocked that KBJ joined in this awful decision, but I guess it’s more important for her to be in the club and play both sides, if you will – Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats tells us about this latest mess)...

...and under the heading of “marginalizing the homeless even more”...well, I guess it isn’t surprising that our Theocrats in Robes ruled that cities can criminalize homelessness (here)...somehow I can’t envision that this ruling will spur an increase in investing in services for people that are unhoused, though I’m sure it will spur an increase in breaking down encampments and herding the homeless off to jail or some other Dickensian fate...the comment at the end that it cost three times the $ to incarcerate someone who’s homeless vs. providing shelter should appeal to conservatives, though it won’t of course...and I’m sure the “Catholics” on the High Court are emulating “Republican Jesus” here by telling the homeless to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” (snark mode off)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report give us their take on the fallout from the debate...I’d like to know more on whose decision it was not to have debate fact-checking...if it was Biden’s, then that indeed was an unforced error least Daniel Dale was FINALLY able to prove that every word out of the mouth of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule was a damn lie, as per saving grace from this debacle is that Our Ochre Abomination didn’t appear to get much of a post-debate “bounce,” and hopefully that will hold; if Biden were running against #DeathSantis or Nikki Haley, this election might very well be over (and let’s not forget the “black jobs” and ”Hispanic jobs” garbage from you-know-who also as noted here)...

And by the way, I’m going to give Philadelphia’s right-wing “paper of record” credit for this courageous editorial and NOT assume that they wrote it because they want to see Governor #DeathSantis or Nikki Haley enter the presidential contest instead of Cantaloupe Capone.

...and RIP Martin Mull, performing one of his signature tunes with Glen Campbell (definitely enjoyed Fernwood 2 Night back in the day with Fred Willard...I believe it was on “Austin City Limits” where I once saw Mull basically turn his guitar into a pedal steel by using a baby bottle...genius!)

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