Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

(I actually posted over here, shockingly enough; don't know if I'm going to get the WP site up and running again or not.)

Yes, I know what The Lincoln Project is, and no, I haven’t forgotten about Rick Wilson’s horrible ad comparing disabled Vietnam vet the late Max Cleland to bin Laden many moons ago, but (God help me) Wilson is absolutely right in this instance about the Dems needing to “suck it up” and keep fighting, including this guy (but again, as I said yesterday, the "bedwetting brigade" comment was WAAAY out of line and the person who made it should apologize...and speaking of boneheaded remarks, allow me to share this - gee, misogyny much, JR?)...

...and I think this quick NSFW/H video from Vote Vets sums up the position of yours truly pretty well (and millions of others I’m sure)...

Update 1: And while we engage in the typical hand-wringing on our end, the other side has stepped up the eliminationist rhetoric (here), just to remind us of who our REAL enemy is (and I checked and could find no record of military service for Kevin Roberts, so my guess is that, if shots were fired for real, the first thing he would do is soil himself - more here).

Update 2: I will acknowledge that the Biden camp has issues to deal with. However, this definitely isn't one of them.

Update 7/5/24: Interesting responses IMO are here and here.

...and Farron Cousins tells us about a ProPublica story telling us how Trump has rewarded people called to testify against him, basically trying to buy their silence like the mobster he OF COOUURRSE Bronzer Beelzebub is threatening to sue over it...and yes, Cousins is exactly right; if, God forbid, Our Treasonous Orange Pustule gets back to An Oval Office, he will exact revenge on everyone and everything...

...and I’ll admit that it takes awhile for me to get around to these clips from Leeja Miller, but even though they’re long, they’re excellent and I want to make sure I give them the proper this one, she takes a look at actual “fake news”...I didn’t know about the Rand analysis in 2018 called “Truth Decay” (clever)...also didn’t know how bad the misinformation around COVID was in February ’20, though maybe I should have; anybody who deliberately spread lies or propaganda about masks, social distancing or the vaccine itself has blood on his or her hands as far as I’m concerned since that likely contributed to unnecessary deaths...”The platforms want us fired up, but in a way that keeps us doom scrolling” indeed...pretty damning stats on what has happened to Xitter since King Elon I took over...that Jill Biden deepfake is genuinely scary, until of course they give away the game at the end (NSFW/H)...

...and this clip gives us some important history on the 1964 Civil Rights Act, brought to you by the Democratic Party over the fierce opposition of whites (many former “Dixiecrats” who ended up switching to the Republican Party for good); the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Act was yesterday...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 7/1/12 (I’m going to try and dig up more of these, to be honest, because I’m pretty pissed at some of the online people I usually link to because they’re all weak in the knees over Biden’s debate performance...THE CHOICE IS BETWEEN AN ADMITTEDLY SOMEWHAT DODDERING OLD MAN AND A DELUSIONAL SOCIOPATH WHO WANTS TO BE DICTATOR....WHAT THE HELL ELSE IS THERE TO THINK ABOUT??!!)...there has been some opining from so-called “principled” Repugs who profess that they won’t vote for Cantaloupe Capone (though HEAVEN FORBID that they would vote for Biden), and that includes former U.S. House Rep Paul Ryan of Wisconsin here (who only did everything in his power to make the “one percent” as comfortable as possible at our expense when he was in Congress)...given that, I think it’s important to bring back this “Worst Persons” segment from K.O. concerning Mr.-Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv, when Ryan was against budget reconciliation before he was for it...

...and I’m going to sneak in another NSFW/H video from Jonathan Pie on the U.K. elections, which are probably just about to take place – not exactly the most ringing endorsement for Labour, but I guess that’s as good as it’s going to get...

...and apologies for being tres late on this one, but RIP Kinky Friedman...we’re in a bit of a tough patch for satirical singer-songwriter-musicians, probably at a time when we could use them the most (NSFW/H also).

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