Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Lawyer Glenn Kirschner, in this “Justice Matters” segment on the next legal mess for Mango Mussolini, explains, among other things, why the “executive privilege” claim, in all probability, won’t wash with Judge Tanya Chutkan as evidentiary hearings go forward; as Kirschner says, Combover Caligula can’t claim such a privilege when HE ISN’T THE SITTING PRESIDENT...also, all kinds of witness testimony from the New York case is likely to be introduced in this one in Kirschner says, though, the “guilty” verdict that matters the most is one that, God willing, will be handed down on November 5th (towards which we all need to do our part, of course)...

...and in a related item, the “feminist Lawyer” tells us how a national abortion ban could take place in this country – see the above item about us needing to organize and get out the vote to ensure that this NEVER happens (and in addition to making it plain that these lunatics from the “party of Lincoln” do indeed want a national abortion ban, this clip tells us about the horrendous ruling from this SCOTUS in overturning the Chevron doctrine – more here)...

...and keeping with the legal stuff, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Dem U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Sheldon Whitehouse asking for the DOJ and Merrick Garland to conduct an investigation into Almost Silent Clarence Thomas...and boy, is Norm Eisen ever right about what the wingnuts did after 1964; I know I’ve said this before, but we need to take that page from THEIR playbook and learn that lesson once and for freaking all!!! (organizing, spending money wisely...MESSAGE FREAKING DISCIPLINE, PEOPLE!!! (ugh!...more importantly, this idiot)...and I definitely share Cohen’s opinion of Merrick Garland)...

Update 1: Kudos to AOC in a related item here.

...and I’ve got one more law-related item, and it’s from Michael Popok of Meidas Touch – an Alaska Trumpist judge was forced to step down because of allegations of sexual misconduct, somebody named Joshua Kindred (citations are from May, but they became public on July 8th)...and Popok's right about Biden and the SCOTUS, but in addition to another term in the White House, he also needs a Democratic U.S. Senate, and we need to make sure THAT happens also...among other things, that means defeating Larry Hogan in Maryland, “gold bar” Menendez in New Jersey, etc.

(By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m trying really hard to avoid commentary from people saying Biden should drop out...1) The existential threat we face from Bronzer Beelzebub requires that we don’t do that unless Biden starts drooling and blabbering incoherently in front of a camera or a microphone, or pulls a gun on somebody; 2) That ignores the practical reality of putting together a presidential campaign, and the only person I’ve seen in corporate media who appears to understand that is Lawrence O’Donnell, and 3) Yes, Biden could have done better in the debate, but at least he knows what facts and reality are, as opposed to the guy who, aside from demonstrating rampant, unrepentant criminality, made another reference to a fictional character, compared a former president to a tennis icon and remarked about recently discussing hot dogs with Frank Sinatra and, apparently, Luciano Pavarotti as noted here.)

Update 2: Oh look, a fact-free rant about airports...from a guy with his own private jet (here).

Update 7/11/24: Definitely not the biggest fan of Coons, but he's spot-on here.

Update 7/19/24: God almighty, he referred to Lecter as a real person AGAIN! (here).

Here is the Popok clip...

...and it looks like there’s another weather-related horror show from Hurricane Beryl going on in The Land of the Yellow Rose, as John of The Damage Report tells us...I think it’s tone deaf for Immigrant Torturer guv Greg Abbott to be in South Korea while this is going on, but at least he’s doing something that’s somewhat tied to governance, as opposed to “Cancun” Cruz – I guess now he’s “SoCal Cruz”...I don’t want to imagine the mindset of anyone who thinks either of these frauds represents a model of public service (GREAT point by Yasmin Khan about the bad stuff that happens AFTER the hurricane/bad storm when it’s time to do something about Cruz, which is WAY overdue, click help hurricane victims, click here)...

...and speaking of the climate, we could use a little precipitation in these parts, actually (but careful what I wish for, I know).

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