Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday Stuff

We all know what Rudy 9iu11ani is as well as the other “Foxies” (and what a sad epitaph for Wayne Rogers, by the way), but in spite of that, I thought this was a good discussion Chris Hayes conducted with Heather McGhee and Eugene O’Donnell – great job by McGhee to tie police tactics to trying to generate revenue strangled by austerity, by the way…

…and by the way, Rachel Maddow tells us how “Fergus Laing” is resurrecting some of the very worst of the Nixon years (oh goody – just kidding; how truly pathetic)…

…and this tells us about Rep. David Jolly’s bill to limit the amount of time congressional candidates spend on fundraising; an “A” for effort on this one…

…and all the best to Joe Perry of Aerosmith (here).

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