Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins discusses Kristi (“Unsafe At Any Speed” – and no, I’m not going to stop linking to that clip) Noem, #47’s new DHS Secretary, going to NYC to round up the “dirtbags”...as Cousins says, we’re talking about human beings, and the way this ruling regime operates, I’m sure people will be included who work jobs and contribute to our economy, and it wouldn’t shock me if they ended up gathering some homeless veterans also, since there are plenty of them, tragically...and nice touch for Noem to be late for her own swearing-in...

...and I know I alluded to this yesterday, but David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us about the Gropenfuhrer backing down on his tariffs with the DJIA tanking, and, again, first not saying he wanted concessions from Mexico and then claiming he got concessions from Mexico; welcome to government by chaos, all you idiots who supported him or, at a minimum, did NOTHING to help Harris/Walz last year...and if anybody out there thinks that Kevin (“Human Capital Stock”) Hassett is telling us the truth, then I have a bridge to one of the five New York boroughs to sell to you...

Update: More of the same - ugh...

...meanwhile, “across the pond,” Jonathan Pie tells us that, basically, they’re looking at a lot of BS also when it comes to government not providing for its citizens (maybe there was no dough for Labour to do anything, but they’re in charge, so...)...somehow, water has gotten more expensive, forcing the utility over there to raise rates (and no, I’m not gloating, since the whole “reward the shareholders and give it to the customers in the neck” thing is pretty much “another day at the office” over here too)...and yeah, The Sainted Ronnie R and “man in a frock” Maggie Thatcher were pretty much two peas in the same sorry pod who got this whole mess started...the Thatcher quote came from the late MP and acclaimed actress Glenda Jackson, for the record (NSFW/H)...

...and I’ve got a couple of items here that I meant to get to sooner, but they got more or less pushed aside for other newsworthy items...first, given the air tragedy in D.C. last week, Lawrence O’Donnell recalls a prior air disaster from ‘82, and I think it’s worth it to echo O’Donnell’s point about how, in the past, the first instinct from our government was sympathy and not blame, even though, as O’Donnell rightly notes, The Sainted Ronnie R fired over 11K air traffic controllers and broke up PATCO on 8/5/81 (and yeah, that sure was stoo-pid all right), and arguably led to the deadly accident O’Donnell mentions...in the past, our prior federal politicians knew to shut up before all the facts were discovered (unlike Mango Mussolini of course)...and nice work for O’Donnell to remind us about Lenny Skutnik; yeah, #40, being a good actor, often had the knack for deflecting and inspiring, but in this case (notwithstanding his horrible union busting), it was the right call (and I’m withholding any comment on what happened in Northeast Philadelphia with that medical jet crash because there’s still a lot we don’t know about that)...

...and the second item was the sentencing of former Dem U.S. Senator Bob (“Gold Bar”) Menendez to 11 years in prison last week...and yeah, you could argue that the disgraced former senator is indeed looking for a pardon from Our Ochre Abomination...way too damn funny (and I give Jesse credit for making the best of his ads for Sheath briefs – everybody has to pay the bills I guess)...

...and I haven’t had a clip from Tennessee Brando for a little while, and fortunately, I came across this item...a knife shop owner in Texas refuses to repair a “Hitler Youth” knife, though he offered to “de-Nazify” the weapon...and to be honest, I don’t care about the politics of the knife shop owner either – there’s doing the right, decent thing and then there is acting like a total POS, and the knife shop owner chose the former as far as I’m concerned...and I think it’s also called for to link all of this extremist crap right back to King Elon I...I definitely share Brando’s sentiments about “de-Nazifying” your personal relationships also, as it were (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and in the midst of all of this madness, kudos to Bernie Sanders for setting the right tone once again...

...and as noted here, on this day in 1999, Haitian immigrant Amadou Diallo was executed, shot 41 times by NYC police; the cops loved Springsteen until he recorded this tune – too f*cking bad.

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