Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that Generalissimo Trump got a bit of a temporary reprieve recently from the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR in the matter of handing over his tax returns to the U.S. House Dems (and yeah, it’s truly scary to contemplate that The Supremes could give a ruling that would make our orange nightmare a dictator for real – never, EVER vote for Repugs, people; that’s the only way to try and stop this garbage)…

…and Ana, Jayar Jackson and Adrienne Lawrence tell us about the latest Trumpian numbskull, some life form named Clarence Mason Weaver (can't imagine what it takes to dig up characters like this misogynist a-hole, and hopefully I never will)…

…and this tells us about ICE and the fake Michigan university they came up with to lure people in so they could be deported - I think our corporate media in this country was a little slow to report on this since I found some YouTube clips from overseas that were months older...aside from the typically stupid Trumpster cruelty behind this, nonsense like this is only going to accelerate the "brain drain" of foreign students choosing to study elsewhere, with some of them likely becoming entrepreneurs who will create tomorrow's jobs in other countries instead of here…

…and leading into overseas-related stuff, this NYT clip tells us that Mango Mussolini wants to save the oil from Syria of course (saying the quiet part out loud again), but our military is trying to defeat the reconstituted version of ISIS, with their metaphorical hands tied a bit somewhat by our Russian Operative in An Oval Office…

…and in a related vein, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less), and this time we’re only going around the block to 11/28 last year, with Kyle K. reporting on the Yemen Massacre (more here – an update is here)…

…and Thom Hartmann speaks with journalist Jamal Abdi – Iran, Lebanon and Iraq are apparently experiencing turmoil (I have no faith whatsoever that the imbeciles in charge of our federal government have a clue as to what could come next, which is all the more terrifying)…

…returning to this country and lightening things up a bit, Ali Velshi gives us a bit of a history lesson involving FDR when it comes to the holiday we just observed (and of course, The Gropenfuhrer is trying to exploit it as per usual)…

…and given that it’s Black Friday, I guess it really is that time of year again – dear God.

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