Thursday, August 02, 2007

Tell Me Where That Finger Has Been, Brit

Based on this post from Taylor Marsh (via Atrios), it seems that Faux News spin boy Brit Hume is just so full of outrage at those nasty, unkempt liberal bloggers again (I’ll watch the video later).

I have a question, though. Is it safe to assume that Hume and his crowd are ideological fellow travelers with sites like, say, Little Green Snotballs?

I can’t imagine any other honest answer to that question except yes, so with that in mind, here is a link to a recent post by James Wolcott (don’t check with him nearly as much as I should) in which he notes that someone named Shamela of the freeper site Atlas Shrugs managed to snag a photo of herself with Cindy Sheehan in which Shamela extends the middle digit to Sheehan without the latter’s knowledge.

(For the purposes of full disclosure, I should note that I have employed that image in posts frequently, with the gesture often originating from President Nutball. However, I personally have only used it towards Christopher Hitchens who precipitated a spat by doing the same thing on “Real Time”; I would never imagine doing that to a mother of one of our dead service people even if I disagreed with that person.)

Should I be surprised that such juvenile pranks pass for acceptable “commentary” within right-wing circles of the blogosphere (still hate that word, actually).

As long as Hume is venting his fury over lefty bloggers, I will also await what should be similar treatment in response to the incident Wolcott has cited (and I know I shouldn’t hold my breath on that).

And by the way, Kagro X describes another glorious moment with Hume here.

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