Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Patrick And The Dems Keep A Promise

There is good stuff coming from the Democrats despite that last post, such as acting on the 9/11 Commission’s homeland security recommendations (Patrick Murphy talks about it here)...

The ($4 billion) 9/11 bill would require screening of all cargo on passenger planes within three years. It also sets a five-year goal for scanning all container ships for nuclear devices before they leave foreign ports.

The legislation shifts money to high-risk states and cities, rather than spreading it equally across the country. The bill expands the screening of air and sea cargo and puts money into a new program to ensure that security officials at every level can communicate with each other.
I think the five-year cargo screening bill is a bit ambitious, but it’s definitely worth a try.

And to see homeland security funds distributed in a manner that totally disregarded the 9/11 Commission recommendations in typical Repug fashion (as was the case in New Jersey two years ago, a vitally important state in terms of potential targets), just click here – thankfully, this is but a laughable memory now.

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