Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hardly A Cause For Celebration

From Editor and Publisher (here)…

For two days, the press has touted the notion that July was an encouraging month for the U.S. in Iraq, partly because American deaths declined from previous months this year. Maybe this meant the surge was working?

Closer (but usually ignored) analysis shows something else, however.

Actually, the number of fatalities made it the deadliest July yet for the U.S. side.

The number of confirmed deaths, 78, was indeed the lowest for any month in 2007, but it easily topped the worst July ever, with the previous mark of 54 in both 2004 and 2005.
Only Bushco (or O'Hanlon and Pollack) would even imagine that a lesser quantity of a negative number as opposed to a greater quantity of a negative number represents progress concerning anything.

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