Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Today’s Visit With The Missing Texas Idiot

Just in case you missed it, I should let you know that President Clouded Vision represented our country by insulting BBC political editor Nick Robinson yesterday…

Robinson, who has asked Bush pointed questions in the past such as whether the president was “in denial” over the Iraq war, posed a question to Bush about whether he could trust visiting British Prime Minister Gordon Brown not to “cut and run” from Iraq.

Bush replied with a dismissal: “Are you still hanging around?”

Later on, Bush poked fun at the bare-pate of Robinson, joking, “You’d better cover up your bald head, it’s getting hot out.”

The respected British reporter shot back, “I didn’t know you cared.”

Bush responded with a cool, “I don’t.” The Mirror reports that Bush then “snorted disdainfully” and “walked away to laughter.”
"Walked away to laughter" from Dubya’s equally brain-damaged minions I’m sure.

And if he’s making fun of bald people now, I just have three words - watch out, Smerky!

(Better to have nothing on top than nothing inside though, I hasten to add.)

So presidential…

(You know what? Just for fun, let's take a look at this again - a fitting "tribute" to President Brainless.)

Update: And the beat goes on...


daveawayfromhome said...

Draco Bush

doomsy said...

With Deadeye Dick and Turd Blossom as Crabbe and Goyle? Interesting...