Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Patrick Pummeled In Wednesday Wingnuttia

Wow, check out this joke of a letter that appeared in the Bucks County Courier Times this morning…

In a recent interview with the Courier Times, Bucks County Congressman Patrick Murphy speaks proudly of his accomplish- ments during the past year. If only long hours and self promotion equaled accomplishment.

The approval ratings for Congress are at an all-time low, mostly the result of Nancy Pelosi's leadership in the House. Murphy was useful initially in Pelosi's anti-war agenda but the Democrats have failed miserably with the execution of their strategy, of which Murphy was an important component. Sixty attempts to force troop withdrawals or de-fund the war resulted in failure.

Meanwhile, the Democrat-led Congress conducted some 400 partisan hearings or investigations as part of their real payback agenda to Republicans and President Bush.

Murphy can, however, claim distinction for being near the top of the list of freshman Democrats requesting and distributing special interest money or earmarks, according to USA Today. He'll need that influence in the next election cycle when he's the incumbent, not the first-time challenger. As an incumbent he'll need a record of achievement to run on. Unfortunately for Murphy, there is none.

Austin Thornton Jr.
Oh really?

Let’s see, just the other day, Patrick was praised by Gene Karpinski of the League of Conservation Voters for supporting the recently-passed Energy Bill (here), he also co-sponsored the Decent Working Conditions and Fair Competition Act, which will prevent Americans from losing their jobs because their employers can't compete with cheaply made sweatshop goods (here), he also worked with Bensalem, PA solicitor Joseph Pizzo in trying to pass the Clean Railroads Act which would close a long-existing loophole in federal law that “(allows) rail companies to run roughshod over state and local laws and the will of a community” (in this case regarding the issue of trash disposal - here), he has also sought input from Republicans on issues that are vital to our district (including former State Senator Joe Conti – here)…am I going too fast for you, Thornton Jr., or did you go to college?

And of course, it’s Patrick’s fault as we know that he hasn’t been able to rein in President Nightmare and his atrocity in Iraq (a pox on the “Democrat” party leadership, I’ll admit, but the Repugs haven’t budged one inch while stories like this have appeared one after another after another after another).

Oh, and the earmarks – here’s more information on how Patrick will supposedly be able to line his pocket according to Thornton Jr. I’m sure our 8th district rep will make himself rich beyond his dreams securing funding for Lower Makefield and Bristol, PA police, at-risk youth assistance, defense against bioterror, flood plain management, sewer infrastructure in Yardley, medical equipment for St. Luke and St. Mary's hospitals, the I-95/Turnpike connector in Bensalem, PA, and the James A. Michener museum in Doylestown, PA.

It’s almost too damn funny for words.

I’ll tell you what, Thornton Jr. – instead of composing such bilious garbage, why don’t you instead write to your Repug party poobahs in these parts and ask them who’s going to run against Patrick this fall. If he’s done so badly, then how come none of the names mentioned here and elsewhere (including Gene DiGirolamo and Mikey himself – hell, this is a wide-open opportunity for Andy Warren to show his true colors once and for all) have committed?

And as always, to learn more, click here.

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