We applaud the U.S. House and Senate for passing a much-needed energy bill, and we especially commend Congressman Patrick Murphy for his leadership on this forward-looking legislation.And as noted here, the bill was signed into law by President George W. Milhous Bush last month, though it kept in place tax credits for energy companies who most certainly don’t need them, and the bill falls short in development of clean, renewable sources of power (here). Still, it’s the first skirmish in a battle that will be fought over a changing political landscape in this country, I’m sure (for our betterment, if we go out and help to make that happen).
Most significantly, this new law increases fuel efficiency standards for automobiles to 35 miles per gallon by 2020, the first such increase in 32 years. As oil has reached $100 a barrel, this legislation will significantly reduce Americans' oil consumption, our dependence on imports, and will help combat global climate change. The bill also contains numerous measures to increase the efficiency of buildings, household appliances, electronics and light bulbs, all of which save consumers money on electricity bills.
This bill is good for jobs, good for the economy, good for national security, good for consumers and good for our planet. We look forward to continuing to work with Murphy to make more progress on clean energy in 2008.
Gene Karpinski, President
League of Conservation Voters
Speaking of battles, I’m still hearing nothing about a potential Repug challenger to Patrick for his PA-08 U.S. House seat; Thomas Manion, Gene DiGirolamo and others – including Mikey Fitzpatrick, who appears to be in a hopeless quandary on the matter – have all refused to declare at this point.
I’ll tell you what – in the interest of free and fair elections, I’ll try to help out Bucks Repug chairman Harry Fawkes on this; if anyone wants to run as a Repug against Patrick, just leave some information in a comment and I’ll pass it along to the head of the Bucks County GOP.
My own personal choice here would be Jay Russell. After all, he’s got time on his hands from screwing up one election last year – why not try to do so again (or is he afraid to do so without the benefit of Jim Cawley’s “guidance”?).
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