Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Really, Dana?

Let’s file this one and check back on it later, shall we?

According to this post on the ABC blog Political Radar, White House press propagandist Dana Perino communicated the following (re: the support her boss George W. Milhous Bush will provide for the Republican Party presidential nominee)…

"Once we have a named candidate," Perino adds, "You will see this president campaign for them vigorously."
(Dubya didn’t look very “vigorous” in supporting the New Hampshire primary winner here, did he?).

Putting aside the obvious grammatical problem in that sentence, I think that’s an interesting observation, particularly given the fact that the Republican Party presidential candidates have, to date, tried to put as much distance as they could between themselves and President 25 Percent Mandate (as noted here).

Well, I’ll just have to revisit this post after the Repug convention and try to hold Perino to her word (and as noted here, she’s just been so “above board” with the journos at all times, hasn’t she?).

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