Not on your life; it would be here from Bill in Portland, Maine via The Daily Kos...
Eight years of Bush/Cheney, six years of brass-knuckled Republican rule in Congress, and a two decade assault by the in-your-face, "do as I say, not as Jesus would do" evangelical screamers have left Americans exhausted by it all. There's really nothing of substance Republicans can point to that has worked. Not in education, defense, security, energy, foreign policy, fiscal policy, infrastructure, health care, planet care, science...nuthin'. Well, okay, there was the $300 refund check we got in the summer of '01. Thanks---the Ramen noodles were tasty.And I'll bet he probably isn't even in the Guild (God knows he'll never get invited to the White House Correspondents Dinner and Dubya Fluffing either).
So I think we have a real shot at kicking GOP ass---up and down the ballot---big-time in ten months. I'm excited. Hopeful. Optimistic. [Insert random synonyms from thesaurus here.] Bush promised to "restore honor and integrity to the White House" and then---to put it indelicately---fucked us. He ignored the left entirely, and played the right for suckers. And since suckers hate to admit they've been duped, the Republican candidates are acting like everything's hunky dory. But it ain't, and a helluva lot more fingers are pointing at them than us.
Thanks for the shoutout. Much appreciated.
Not a member of the Guild. They say I don't change my diapers often enough. Stupid bylaws!
You're welcome (and God knows I'm not a member either).
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