Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday Stupid Time

This appeared in the editorial section of the Bucks County Courier Times yesterday (in their "Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down" segment):

"Thumbs Down - To syndicated columnist and author Ann Coulter for her outrageous comments about 9/11 widows.

In her new book, Coulter says about the widows, "These broads are millionaires...reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies (huh?). I have never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."

These women did not choose to be thrust into the spotlight and, regardless of their political objectives, remain private citizens. And while Coulter's essential point - that the left uses these types of folks to criticize the administration because they are perceived as untouchable - might very well have merit, it gets lost in her unnecessarily inflammatory and offensive words."
I have a message, editors of the Bucks County Courier Times: You have NO ROOM to talk about "inflammatory and offensive words" since you have just uttered some yourself in implying that Coulter should be taken seriously on any level whatsoever!

And I love the way you resurrect the boogeyman of "the left" without identifying who you're talking about. Does that include Richard Cohen? Ellen Goodman? John Kerry? Bruce Springsteen? Dennis Kucinich? Alec Baldwin? Carrot Top? And when it comes to criticizing people and "hiding behind" others in the process (a charge I don't take seriously in this editorial), doesn't your paper spread propaganda and make unsubstantiated charges against the people you now purport to demonize? Don't your conservative "betters" have a voice in contributors from The National Review, The Heritage Foundation, The American Enterprise Institute, the Ayn Rand Foundation and countless other organizations that represent right-wing interests behind this "libertarian" facade?

There is NO VALIDITY WHATSOEVER to anything Coulter has to say. None. She is a lunatic demagogue whose only interest is in selling her latest book of lies and insults. Her hateful words have no "merit" and this time and place or any other.

I should point out that the other "Thumbs Down" nominee for the paper in their editorial yesterday was Bristol, PA Township Animal Control Officer Bill Kurko, who left a dead dog that had been hit by a car to rot in a field, becoming infested with maggots and picked apart by scavengers in the process. The remains of this poor, unfortunate animal approximates what passes for Coulter's work.

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