Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Just Add It To The Pile

Maybe Dubya had a case of jet lag on this one, though it’s hard to tell with him of course (I mean, he had to work so hard to pose for his Baghdad photo-op and not screw it up, right?).

And when you talk about Dubya, you simply MUST talk about Karl Rove, who after all is responsible for installing Bush in both of his jobs in government. And of course, the freepers out there are crowing because Rove beat the rap again on the outing of Valerie Plame.

This actually may be a blessing, though I know it’s hard to see that at the moment. It means that Rove will be around certainly into the November elections at least, reminding everyone who really pulls the strings in the Repug party. And if that doesn’t give voters a clear motivation to vote for Democrats (assuming they can get their act together in Iraq...ugh), then nothing will.

Update: OK, OK, I'll admit that he apologized to the guy. There - happy now?

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