However, there is a right way to do your job and a wrong way. The Detroit police, in this case, did it the wrong way, but apparently, that doesn’t matter to The Supremes.
Also, I am suddenly realizing that Justice Anthony Kennedy is the most powerful individual in this country right now, since apparently he is going to be the only buffer against the other four wingnuts on the bench.
And before anyone thinks that, oh, look how the Supreme Court is supposedly whittling away at the death penalty with these two rulings, allow me to point out that the Tennessee case is one of truly exceptional circumstances, with both the blood and semen used to convict the defendant called into question (though Hanging Judge JR emphatically noted the following):
"It is not our role to make credibility findings and construct theories of the possible ways in which (victim) Mrs. Muncey's blood could have been spattered and wiped on (defendant Paul Gregory) House's jeans," he wrote in an opinion joined by Scalia and Thomas.Apparently, deliberations started before “Strip Search Sammy” was confirmed.
And as far as the challenge to Florida’s lethal injection brought by Clarence Edward Hill (why do all of these guys have three names, I wonder?), consider that he’s going to die anyway; the question only concerns the chemical mix of the lethal injection and “other aspects of Florida’s injection protocol.”
No, this court is going in one direction only, make no mistake. And let’s all hope and pray that Justice John Paul Stevens remains in good enough health to stay on the bench, or else things will go “off a cliff” really fast.
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