Monday, June 23, 2008

A Voice For Our Times Departs

R.I.P. George Carlin; I obviously don't agree with some of his sentiments about voting and politicians, even concerning THIS Congress, and there are a few "F" words along with some suggestive stuff here, but still funny and thought provoking as always.


Anonymous said...

I am old enough to remember when he just started out on tv.
I still laugh at one of the first lines he had doing the tv newsman.
"Workers walked off the docks today. Rescue operations are underway."...
Not a "f" word anywhere...that came later.
It took a nano second for it to sink in and I have been laughing at it since.
I will miss him.

doomsy said...

Good point about how he didn't start out doing "blue" stuff; I once saw REALLY old black and white footage of him wearing a tie with a crew cut - just as funny.

I'll miss him too. Lord knows we need him.

Thanks for the comment.