Friday, June 20, 2008

“Big Time” Inky Friday Funnies

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Jonathan Last tells us today, see, that the fact that this country is an utter mess at this point (economy, environment, government enforcement and policy affecting an infinite number of issues negatively, utter failure of executive leadership, and the war of course) is because Dubya is a “bad manager,” not because he's "evil or stupid."


Oh, and by the way, he says the following about a certain best-friend-accidentally-shooting-in-the-face vice president…

Cheney is in nearly every way an admirable figure.
It is to laugh, utterly.

While the absurdity of that statement is obvious to any life form with the cognitive processing ability greater than that of a cockroach, it nonetheless gives me an opportunity to take a little “stroll down memory sewer” (here and here).

Also, I’d like to know how our “admirable figure” will do in this situation one day (assuming he lives that long), and let’s not forget this either (so much more that could be added to this post given the subject, but this will have to do for now).

Finally, a word for the thin-skinned geniuses at; I posted a comment in response to Dick Polman’s editorial last week stating that Tim Russert died a patriot’s death (fine, though questionable) and in the process, drew a comparison to members of our military dying in Iraq (not fine). My comment was published, but two comments since (one to an Inky editorial and one to this column from Last today) were both disapproved (and I can assure you that I didn't use any bad words, not even with symbols where the letters would be).

Ummm, OK…so how much did’s traffic increase between May 2007 and May 2008 (as noted here)?

(Sorry it's hard to read; I can't really resize it - the number is a whopping 1 percent).

Cause, meet effect.

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