Monday, June 16, 2008

A Dumb Question For Monday

CNN’s Jack Cafferty asks the following here…

President Bush wants Osama bin Laden captured before leaving office. How important is it at this point?
Why don’t you ask the families and friends of these heroic Americans instead?



Anonymous said...

I totally agree, justice will never be served until Bin Laden is captured. One of the 9/11 victims, Don Jones was my good neighbor. A great guy, and a wonderful father. My number 2 grandson is off to Iraq in August, he was all of 12 when the towers came down. I am sure Bin Laden can be captured, and has been deliberately allowed to stay free.
How many more young Americans will die for Bush's Folly?
And, if anyone thinks McCain will do better, take note that one of his advisors is Robert Kagan.

doomsy said...

McCain has been bought and paid for for some time now - personally, I ceased considering him as a serious alternative from before he even declared.

On a personal note, I really didn't know any of the victims, but we saw Don Havlish in the supermarket a couple of times and exchanged hellos; I don't know if I'll ever be able to reconcile the loss, and again, I didn't even know them well.

And I'll say a prayer for your grandson - he has my thanks and respect as well as that of many others, I'm sure.

Thanks for the comment.