However, I want to comment on the Gerson literary contribution that, more than any of his others, has helped foster the climate of our current misery. I speak of course of the “axis of evil” line of Dubya’s State of the Union address in 2002 (even more timeless than his elegant insult, “the soft bigotry of low expectations”).
I’m not saying there wasn’t at least a particle of truth in the line. What I’m saying is that there’s a way mature adults handle conflict, and if you’re having a disagreement with someone, calling them a name isn’t going to do anything to help (obvious, I know, but so much of the behavior of this administration defies common sense that, alas, it must be pointed out).
I should also note that right wing fellow traveler (and another former Bush speechwriter) David Frum also claimed credit for the phrase, originally calling it “the axis of hatred.” I have two immediate thoughts: 1) How many people does it take in this administration to come up with a single phrase for a speech, and 2) Given what has resulted from that unfortunate choice of words, I’d be looking to sidestep any responsibility for it.
So Dubya said the words in 2002 of course, and the reaction is predictable, including that of former moderate Iranian leader Mohammad Khatami (as moderate as someone in Iran’s leadership gets, I should add). This gets Iran stoked even more against us, which is only increased by our invasion of Iraq. As a result mainly of the invasion but partly because of Dubya’s antagonistic words authored by Gerson, Khatami loses the election in August 2005 and more-radical hardliner and former terrorist "student" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rises to power (of a sort, anyway, since the mullahs will always run the show).
And for this, the Post hires Gerson as an editorial columnist? In what universe does the Post think Gerson will inhabit in which he will demonstrate a shred of objectivity after his fawning worship of the occupant of the Oval Office since January 2001? And, as noted here, everything has gone just swimmingly for Gerson and his freeper pals since he came up with that infamous phrase.
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of once-reputable news organizations either compromising whatever standards they have or trashing them entirely in favor of the Bushco regime.
And I’m also fed up with giving credit to the cretins responsible for the slaughter of young American lives while these individuals profess to act in the name of some type of morality known only to themselves.
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