Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ricky "Takes Us To School"

Is there a single, solitary thing to like, respect, or admire in any way at all about Rick Santorum (don’t worry…I long since figured out the answer to that question).

Will Bunch provides details on the latest Santorum misadventure here; it’s bad enough that the taxpayers of Pennsylvania will pay for his kids’ cyber-schooling, but it turns out now that we’ll do so even though his kids live in another state!

Let’s use this occasion to take “a stroll down memory sewer,” if you will (and let’s pray that Mr. Casey Jr. stops consulting with his consultants and trying to figure this out long enough to say something about it).

(Note to the CaseyForPA webmaster...I tried to go to the site to find out if Casey said anything, but though the "sign up" splash page supposedly gives you the option to go directly to the site, I couldn't do it - ugh...).

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